Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Dwelling On The Past

Philippians 3:7-14

Has there ever been anything in your past that you wish you could forget, but it just keeps creeping up in your mind, or that people won’t let you forget?  Or maybe something that you’ve accomplished that you are extremely proud of?  The Apostle Paul was someone who had a past, one that contained both things to be proud of and things to be ashamed of.

Paul was very well-versed in Scripture, having studied for many years under the great teacher of Jewish Law, Gamaliel.  Paul would have had the equivalent of a Doctorate of Divinity.  He was also a great missionary, preacher, and evangelist.  These were great accomplishments.  On the other hand, Paul had some things in his past that deeply grieved him, for which he was terribly sorry and ashamed of.  Before he was saved, Paul had persecuted Christians.  He had approved of the murder of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, even watching the clothes of those who killed him.  Afterwards Paul went to other cities to track down more Christians, hauling them into court and bringing charges against them.

Paul, in verse 7, says that all the good and admirable things he had accomplished were nothing compared to what he had in Christ.  It was all a loss.  All those great accomplishments were just like garbage (verse 8).  His relationship with Christ was the most important thing in his life.

As for the regrettable things he had done, Paul says in verse 13 that they are forgiven by God, and since they are, he will put them all behind him.  Paul will not dwell on them or let the shameful past drag and bring him down, hindering his ministry.  No, Paul puts this all behind him, and will press on forward to achieve the prize, the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (verse 14).  Paul’s only goal in life is the know Christ, and he went after that goal like a racer pushing on towards that finish line (verse 12).

How about in our own life?  Are there things in our past, either good or bad, that we are holding on to?  Things we are clinging to in pride, or letting the shame of drag us down?  Don’t live in the past - either past mistakes or past successes and glories.  Things in our past that Christ has forgiven should remain in the past.  Paul put his past behind him, and so can we.  Birds can’t easily walk backward or fly backward.  Kangaroos can’t hop backwards.  We need to be the same way.  Forget the past and press forward.  Press on like the athlete running that race, striving towards the goal of that high calling of Christ.


  1. I hadn't previously thought about how being "born again" might imply a dying to one's old self or past.
    Last week in church, my minister said that he used to cringe when people asked if he was "born again," until he realized that he had been: again and again and again, each time he was blessed with the presence of God and the accompanying clarity of insight, which left him a "new" wiser person than before. Those weren't his exact words, but the main concept, I believe.
    We're wise when we allow God to remake us from within

  2. Sometimes it is so hard to let the past stay in the past. One needs the Spirit of God to do this.

  3. If only...two words that keeps us going around and around.
