Do you have a replica or a reproduction of something famous? Some people have a reproduction of a famous work of art in their homes. I have a very inexpensive copy of Van Gogh’s Starry Night, as it is one of my favorite paintings. The original is worth well over $100 million dollars! Mine is worth under $10. Even a very well done reproduction of that, or any number of other famous paintings, are never as good or worth as much as the original. People can often buy copies of famous documents at museum gift shops, and they aren’t worth much, not like the original. Even buildings are sometimes reproduced. There is a ½ sized replica of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in a northern suburb of Chicago. As nice as that might be, it’s not the same as seeing the original. In our Scripture for today from the Book of Hebrews, we read about replicas or copies, and how the replica is never as good as the original.
In the Old Testament we read of how Yahweh gave Moses careful instructions of how to make the Tabernacle, and everything that was to be contained therein, especially the Ark of the Covenant. Later during the reign of King Solomon, special care was taken in following the instructions in building the Temple. These were copies or replicas of what is heaven. As the author of Hebrews continues with his theme of showing how Jesus is superior than things from the Old Testament, he states that Jesus didn’t enter the Holy Place, or Holy of Holies in the Temple, but instead actually entered into the presence of God to atone for our sins (vs. 24). The original in heaven, in the presence of God, is far better than any copy on earth!
Every year the Jewish High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies with the blood of a lamb to put upon the Ark of the Covenant to pray for God’s forgiveness of the sins of the people. The priest had to do this every year on the Day of Atonement, year after year after year. The High Priest and the sacrificial lamb were a copy of what Jesus would do with His sacrificial death on the cross, and shedding His Blood for our sins. Jesus was the original and the high priests, lambs, and Tabernacle or Temple were all copies. Otherwise Jesus would have to die over and over (vs. 25-26). Every year the priests would bring blood sacrifices, but as we read in Hebrews 10:4, it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins, which is why the sacrifices are continually repeated. However, Jesus’ death was sufficient, and would never need to be repeated again.
As the author continues, he states that it is appointed for everyone to die, and then will follow the judgment (vs. 27). Until the date of Jesus’ second return and the rapture, every single one of us will die. There is no escaping that. Many people live as though they will live forever, with never a thought about their eternal destiny. However, the day of their death will eventually come, and after that there will be a reckoning. The Day of Judgment will come for all of us. Do we live our life with that in mind? There are no second chances or “do-overs”, in other words, there is no reincarnation.
For those who have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior, we can look forward to that day without fear (vs. 28). He bore our sins, and when we accept Him as our Savior, we receive His free gift of salvation, and we no longer have to bear the penalty of our sins, as His Blood cleanses us from them. Rather than live in fear and dread of death and the Judgment afterwards, we can eagerly await Jesus’ return.
Do you know the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior? Can you await His return with eagerness? Or have you placed your trust in some clever copy or replica? Many people have thought that they had an original, only to be told that it was just a copy, or even a forgery, and it was worth nothing. Putting your faith and trust in anything but Jesus Christ will get you nowhere, and will bring great disappointment on that Day of Judgment which is coming for everyone, so turn to Him today!