Saturday, April 7, 2018

Searching For Peace?

Isaiah 26:2-9

Reading the headlines, either in the papers or online, and watching the nightly news on TV, can be very discouraging.  Fighting between countries or ethnic groups, shootings in schools or workplaces, social unrest between people in the cities.  There is no peace anywhere we look. In addition to that, so many people do not have peace within themselves. Psychiatrists’ offices and mental health clinics are booked solid for months in advance with people who are in turmoil. What hope is there with the world in upheaval on the outside and people in confusion on the inside? Let’s look at the answer that the prophet Isaiah gives us in Scripture.

When we find turmoil and problems in our life there are a number of options that the world offers us to try and bring us some level of peace.  We can immerse ourselves with all sorts of pleasures, some safe and relatively harmless, but also others that can be detrimental to our well-being, such as drugs or pornography.  However, everything that we lean on for support in time of turmoil is useless and will eventually fail in bringing real peace. Isaiah gives us the answer to true peace in verses 3 and 4 of our passage.  Lasting peace is found only in the presence of God. Scripture urges us to throw away the vain crutches we have been leaning on and trust in Jesus. He, alone, can give that true peace, and give us real support when the world and our life is reeling and in unrest.

Those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus can have a level of trust and peace in the Lord that the unbeliever can never know. Christ is our peace (Ephesians 2:14).  His presence gives peace within us.  We have peace in Him. This peace is an inner contentment and quietness, regardless of our circumstances.  Jesus said that there would be tribulations in the world, but those who are in Him would have peace (John 16:33).

This peace comes from a trust and confidence in God.  When we are trusting in Him, and not any other earthly supports, we can have joy, even in the middle of hardships and difficulties.  Jesus gives us a peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). Have you ever observed two people, one a believer and the other not.  Both have had immense difficulties happen in their lives. The one person is falling to pieces as they can’t handle what’s happening, and all of their worldly supports are futile.  The believer, on the other hand, should have a peace that defies any understanding. That is because it is supernatural. It comes from God, who alone can give true peace.

You might wonder how you can have this peace.  First one must have placed their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.  This peace is found only in Him.  Second, one must fully trusting in God, day by day, moment by moment.  As Isaiah said in our key verses from today’s passage, God will keep us in perfect peace when our mind is stayed, or fastened tightly, on Him, trusting in Him (vs. 3-4).  Yahweh is our Everlasting Strength. That expression can also mean “Rock of Ages”. That pictures to me a rocky cliff where I can find shelter from all of my enemies.

I certainly want peace in my life, so I need to focus on God and trust in Him. To keep focused on Him I need to be meditating on His Word. I can either focus my mind on my fears or on God, and allow His peace to fill my mind. When someone wants to plow a straight line for a garden, they should not focus on their feet. Instead they should focus on a focal point in the distance, and keep focused on that.  It’s the same with one’s spiritual life. We need to focus God, not our problems. We need to cast those problems on to God for Him to carry (Psalm 55:22; I Peter 5:7).

There will always be strife and turmoil in the world, but we who know the Lord can have peace.  He will keep us steady and stable. His love and power are unchanging. When the storms of life threaten, run to the shelter of God’s peace.  Run to the Rock of Ages and hide in Him!


  1. Very good. Your sentence about focusing on God and not our fears is so true.

  2. Thank you for sharing the source of all peace!
