Monday, July 2, 2018

Faith To Conquer Fear

Psalm 112

Bad news is everywhere we look.  Turn the evening news on television and we are bombarded with it.  We get the same from any internet news source, the newspapers or magazines.  There are also times when we get personal bad news - an illness or death of a relative, job problems, some major damage on the house, etc.  How do we hold up under bad news? Of course no one likes to hear this, but when we hear of another shooting, natural disaster, or accident, do we fall apart in fear, or do we trust in the Lord and rest in His peace?   This is one thought our psalmist touches upon today, and a point I would like to look at in today’s psalm.

The main theme of today’s psalm is the blessings of obedience (vs 1-9) and the emptiness of sin (vs 10).  God gives blessings to those who revere and gladly obey Him. Some blessings He might bestow, which are spoken of here, are honor, prosperity, security, and freedom from fear.  We read throughout Scripture how God loves to bless those who are obedient to Him (vs 1-2). He promised in the Law that He would bless generations of those who obey Him (Exodus 20:6).  Any Christian parent can attest to how blessed it is to know that one’s children, grandchildren, and descendants know the Lord, and are following His ways. When this is the case, then it is especially true that our generations will be blessed.

The main point I would like to focus on is found in verse 7, and that is “he will not be afraid of evil tidings”.  Fear. This is something that affects many people. I can admit that it is something I deal with frequently. When we hear of the latest terrorist attack or multiple shootings, or massive earthquake, how do we handle it?  The unsaved have no one to turn to and nothing to lean on for support. When bad news comes their way, especially if it comes often, wave upon wave, where can they turn? Sometimes that’s just the way it comes, too - repeatedly, one bad thing after another.  Those who do not know the Savior will often turn to alcohol or drugs to bolster themselves. Many will live in a state of panic or fear.

How about those of us who have put our faith and trust in Jesus? When the bad news comes knocking, how do we respond? The unsaved are watching us. Does Jesus make any difference in our life? Do they see similar panic, fear, and no real trust in the Savior we proclaim?  A believer should not be afraid with the arrival of bad news, whether it is in their own personal life, or the world at large. We are to be different from others. We have the Lord God to turn to, and hasn’t He always proved faithful in the past? We have the Holy Spirit to uphold us during the difficult, and often scary times, and He gives us peace and a living hope.  When we fear God, respect and revere Him as almighty Lord, trusting Him completely to take care of us, all of our other fears will subside.

Our response to illness, death, and accidents, to loss of home or job, and to other major tragedies can be instrumental to drawing the lost to the Savior, or it can lead them to feel that there really is no hope. If they see us falling apart, even though we claim a mighty Savior, then they will think He is as powerless as we make Him out to be. As we trust and obey, as the old-time hymn says, God promises us that we can never be shaken (vs 6).  He promises that we do not need to be afraid, and our heart can remain steadfast (vs 7).

The unsaved are running to the wrong things to escape when bad news comes, and their fears overwhelm them.  Let’s let our response to the same bad news, as we all go through our share of trouble, be a beacon to lead them to the Lord. Let’s show them that Jesus truly is an Anchor in the storm.

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