Saturday, August 18, 2018

Seven Things

Proverbs 6:16-19

People frequently make lists.  They can be their top favorite books, vacation spots, or flowers.  The list could also be of things they really dislike or hate, such as their worst chores, movies, or food.  Did you know that God also made a list? In our Scripture passage today we find a list that God made. His list isn’t of His favorite movie stars, but rather of the top seven things He hates. Can God hate something? Yes He can, and according to these verses here, this is a list of things He felt were an abomination to Him, an outrage, an atrocity (vs 16). These are not some things that mildly upset God, things that He wishes we would avoid.  These are things God hates. Let’s take a look at and know these seven things so that we can keep them from our life.

The first on the list is a proud look (vs 17).  Many people do not think that pride is such a bad thing.  Some even think it is almost a virtue. God certainly doesn’t.  Pridefulness, exalting oneself, arrogance, setting oneself above others, is something God hates.  We all know people who think they are better than others. These ones don’t even have to speak a word, but we can see their pride and arrogance in the way they look and act, their attitude of superiority.  That is not God’s way. Jesus said the first will be last, and the last first (Matthew 19:30), and whoever would be chief, let him be a servant, just as Jesus was (Matthew 20:27-28).

Next on the list is a lying tongue (vs 17).  God hates lying. He is the God of truth. He does not lie (Numbers 23:19; Titus 1:2), and His words are truth (John 17:17).  As His children, we should be honest in all of our words and dealings. When going to sell an item, we should be honest as to its real condition.  When we are in the wrong, we shouldn’t lie to make ourselves look better. Jesus said Satan was the father of lies, (John 8:44), and we don’t want to be like him.

Hands that shed innocent blood is another thing God hates.  This is rather self-explanatory. It grieves the Lord when innocent people are killed, to the point that He put this on His list.  Next is a heart that devises wicked plans (vs 18). There are many people who spend hours planning up schemes that are totally contrary to God’s Word. The next item goes along with this last one, and that is feet that are swift in running to evil. One person thinks up a wicked plan, and another one hurries to put that evil plan into action.  God hates them both.

The sixth item on God’s list is a false witness that speaks lies (vs 19). This is a bit different than the second item, which was a lying tongue. This one refers more to someone who speaks and spreads lies about another person.  This could be an official witness speaking falsehood on the witness stand in a court case. It could also be one who goes around telling lies about another person, spreading their wicked tales to others.  In a criminal trial, a lie could send an innocent person to prison. How many liars have done that, and even sent an innocent person to their death? That could link this to shedding innocent blood. False witnesses speaking lies have destroyed innocent people’s characters with their made-up tales. They have cost people friendships, jobs, and destroyed families. This is something God hates.

The final thing on God’s list of things that He hates is one who sows discord among brethren.  There are some people in any large group, including churches, that like nothing more than to stir up strife and contention, often then stepping back and watching the riot and discord they have caused.  These are troublemakers, often people who always think they are right, (a possible link with the first item on the list), and want to be the center of attention. God hates it when there are those who bring discord and strife to His house and body of believers.  Unless it is a point of doctrine, a fundamental of the faith, we should avoid causing strife with believers.

God felt these seven items were important enough to make up a list of things He hates.  As we looked them over, hopefully we did not see ourselves in any item. Let’s make a prayerful effort that this is a list we never find our name on!

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