Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Battle Is The Lord's

I Samuel 17:17-51

Today’s Old Testament reading is one that most people are rather familiar with, having heard it as a Bible story when a child. However, there are many Biblical truths and lessons that we, as adults, can learn and apply to our lives today. Let’s jump right in.

As a little background before our passage begins, the people of the Philistines have been attacking the nation of Israel off and on for many years.  Currently the armies of each country are facing each other, with a valley between them. Rather than having a traditional battle, the Philistines declare they want a battle by champion, or single combat, where two individuals fight rather than two armies, winner taking all.  Their champion will be Goliath, a giant of a man, head and shoulders taller and bigger than anyone else. The Israelites have no one who could come close in size or strength, and they felt doomed. Do you have some giant problems in your life that you feel you can’t face in your own strength?

As our Scripture passage begins, a young, teen-aged David has been sent by his father to bring some provisions to his brothers in the army.  While there he hears the challenge and blasphemous cursing of Goliath (vs 20-24). He observes that no one from Israel is willing to stand up to him, to defend the Name of Yahweh.  Seeing this, David is righteously indignant! How dare that heathen defy the army of the living God! (vs 26). His brothers, however, get angry at him. David responds by declaring, “Is there not a cause?”  (vs 29). Isn’t the name and honor of God worthy enough to fight for? A good question today as well as back then.

David was brought into the tent of King Saul, where he declared he would go and fight Goliath. When Saul saw David he must have laughed, a scrappy teenager verses a giant who was a trained, lifelong soldier!  Saul was out of options. He knew that if he didn’t make a move soon, the army and nation would be lost, so he was willing to listen to David, and what he said was important, even to us today.

David had complete trust in God.  He anticipated divine help and victory.  As David faced Goliath, he remembered God’s help when in the past he had faced other dangers with a lion and a bear (vs 34-37). David had the right view of God, so he had the right view of Goliath. Goliath may have been the tallest person alive then, but he was small compared to God.  David’s confidence was not in himself or any weapons, it was in Who was with him - God.

As David approached Goliath on the field of battle, Goliath called out mocking, derogatory comments, trying to intimidate him (vs 42-44). David chose to listen to God’s words, not Goliath’s. Goliath’s words were from the enemy of our soul. In our trials who are we choosing to listen to?  God told David to trust in Him, and look at the results!

David was not intimidated when he stood before Goliath.  He knew where his power was going to come from (vs 45-47).  His eyes were not on Goliath and his strength or size. David’s eyes were on God, and His strength and size.  He knew the battle was the Lord’s, not his (vs 47).   We don’t fight battles like the people of the world do, with violence, anger, maliciousness, slander, etc.  We fight in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ (vs 45). There is authority in the Name of Jesus! When we call upon the Name of Jesus, heaven will back us up.

David was decisive.  He didn’t wait for Goliath to make the first move (vs 48-49).  He struck the first blow and won. Don’t let Satan make the first blow in our life, either.  Depend on God’s Name and strength, not our own. Before a battle, we need feed our faith with the Word of God.  We need to be alert to the devil’s tricks (I Peter 5:8). God wants us to depend on Jesus’s strength (Philippians 4:13). Also be sure to put on our spiritual armor (Ephesians 6:10-18).

God magnifies His Name when we rely on Him.  He has us covered, for the battle belongs to Him, not to us! The victory is assured. David was able to stay brave in front of Goliath because he feared and loved God more than he feared anything else. Who or what are the “Goliaths” in your life today?  Look beyond what you see, to see what God sees. Look through the eyes of faith, as David did.

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