Friday, March 22, 2019

What Road Are You On?

Luke 13:22-35

I live not too far from Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, one of the largest and busiest airports in the U.S.  Hundreds of planes are taking off and landing there each day, along with thousands of people coming and going.  Traffic is very hectic around that busy airport. One needs to be a very confident driver, and know ahead of time exactly where one is going, and what lane to be in when driving there.  There are basically four roads that border that airport: Mannheim Rd. to the east, Irving Park Rd. to the south, York Rd. to the west, and Touhy Ave. to the north. Yet none of these roads will get you access into the airport.  The only entrance is on Interstate 190, a short, slightly over 3 mile leg of Interstate 90.  If one wants to get into the airport to park and take a plane anywhere, or to pick up or drop someone off, you have to go on that short highway.  You can drive around on the other four roads, see all the planes arriving and taking off, often right over your head, see them loading the baggage, but you have no access.  If someone tried to climb over the fence, they would be promptly arrested.  One has to enter through the one and only approved entrance.

In today’s Scripture passage from the Gospel of Luke, Jesus speaks of the narrow gate which one must enter to gain entrance into heaven (vs. 24). Earlier in His ministry, Jesus had spoken of this narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14), and reminds His listeners again today. This was not a popular statement then, and is even less popular today.  Many like to believe that there are many roads, many paths, one can take to get access into heaven. However, Jesus’ words are quite clear - there is only one, narrow road.

One wrong road that many travel on, thinking they will get to heaven, is the road of good works.  However that is a wrong road, as we cannot save ourselves. There is no way we can work ourselves into God’s favor (Ephesians 2:8-9).  Other wrong roads are those of following different false gods, religions, or philosophies. Jesus said that He is the door, the pathway to God (John 10:9).  He also clearly said that He alone is the only way to God (John 14:6). Later, the Apostle Peter, in a message he preached, stated quite emphatically that there is no salvation except through the Name of Jesus (Acts 4:12).

Jesus continued on in His talk to the people by saying that many people will be outside heaven, calling out to God, wondering why they are on the outside (vs. 25-27).  They thought that just because they tossed about the Name of Jesus in their speech that this constituted a relationship with Him. However that is not the case. Some people, including religious leaders, that we expect to be in heaven will not be.  Many people know something about God. Only a few have acknowledged their sins and accepted His forgiveness. Just admiring Jesus and His Words is not enough. We must turn from our sins and trust in God to save us.

Jesus was right outside the capital city of Jerusalem when He spoke these words.  It broke Jesus’ heart as He beheld the groups of people, knowing that so many would not turn to Him for salvation (vs. 34). God has sent His prophets and preachers to the world, both in the past and certainly today, to tell His message of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, and most often they are not accepted.  Sometimes they are killed, and very often they are mocked and ridiculed.

Just as there is only the one road to get on in which to get into O’Hare Airport to get on a plane or pick up an arriving passenger, there is only one road, one gate, that will lead us to heaven.  Not all roads lead to God and heaven. God offers salvation to everyone, but it is only through His Son, Jesus Christ that we have that salvation. If we come to God through Jesus, He will never turn us away. Jesus is the only door to heaven, and the only way for us to know the Father. Do not put off making the decision to get on this road because one day it will be too late for you.

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful analogy... thank you sister.

    God Bless Albert, Lucy & you!!
