Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Focus On Things Above

Colossians 3:1-4

Where are our thoughts centered?  That’s what Paul is focused on in our brief passage today.  As believers, where is our mind dwelling? Those who follow the risen Savior should have different priorities than that of those in the world. Let’s look at what Paul is teaching us today.

As Paul begins this chapter in his letter to the church in Colossae, he identifies believers as being raised with Christ.  We died with the Savior, and are now risen with Him, as well (vs. 1). As risen to a new life in Him, our thoughts, our concerns, our priorities should be centered where He is, above in heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father.  When we accept Jesus as our Savior, our moral and ethical behavior should also change as we allow Jesus to live within us. The Holy Spirit will shape us into what we should be.

Christians who are living in the power of the risen Savior should strive to put heaven’s priorities into daily life.  To do that we need to concentrate on what is eternal, not on what is temporary (vs. 1-2). What we think about all day greatly affects the type of person we are and what we will become.  Thus, we need to focus our thoughts on things that honor God. Jesus said the same thing in Matthew 6:19-21, when He said to lay up treasures in heaven, not on earth, for where our treasure is, there our heart is also.  If our mind is constantly concerned with things of this world, than that is where our heart and affections are. If, instead, we are concerned with the things of Christ and His priorities, then our heart will be where His is.  The resurrection of Jesus is not just something that happened in the past. It affects every follower of Jesus today. We need to set our hearts on heavenly things and loosen our grip on earthly things.

Often our minds are centered on our worries and problems.  They plague us and bother us, sometimes so much that they are all we can think about.  Paul was not immune to problems and troubles. However he didn’t dwell on his circumstances.  When he and his missionary companion Silas were put in prison in Philippi for preaching the Gospel, after having been badly beaten, what did they do?  Did they sit and worry about what else would happen to them? Did they bemoan their bad fortune? No, they started singing hymns and praising God! (Acts 16:19-36).  God honored that and had them set free.

Does a dead person have any interest in this world?  No! That is all over with for him. Paul reminds us in verse 3 that we have died with Christ and are now risen to a new life with Him when He rose again. Our interests should be where our real home is, in heaven. God wants us to start looking at life from His perspective, seeking what He desires. Don’t become attached to what is temporary.

Our circumstances may be dark, dreary, and gloomy, just like living in a shadowy valley where the fog and clouds constantly cover the landscape. However, if one climbs up the mountain, out of the clouds and valley, there is now sunshine and warmth. So it is when we set our hearts on things above, where Jesus is, and not on things on the earth.  Let’s climb up out of the dark valley, up to where Jesus is. Let’s look at our life and the things of this world with His perspective, and make what He loves and His priorities ours.

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