Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Alpha And Omega

Revelation 1:1-8

When I was a child one thing that I enjoyed doing was sitting down with a volume of the encyclopedia, paging through it, and reading things that caught my interest.  We had a complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, along with the thick Oxford English Dictionary. A - Z and everything in between. In our Scripture passage today we read one of the many different Names that the Lord Jesus has, that of Alpha and Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.  As we look into this passage, we will see the significance of that title.

The Book of Revelation was written by the Apostle John while he was exiled on the island of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea.  The word “revelation” or “apocalypse” means to uncover or to reveal. When referring to a person, it means that person becomes clearly visible. The four Gospels revealed Jesus at His first coming in His humility. In the Book of Revelation Jesus is revealed in His exaltation in blazing glory.  Although some people have been fearful of this book, it is one that gives much praise to God, showing His power and glory, and His ultimate triumph. It is also the only book in the Bible that comes with a blessing to the one who reads and responds to it in obedience (vs. 3).

There are a number of different names and titles that are given to Jesus in Scripture, such as the Good Shepherd, the Bread of Life, and Son of David.  In verse 8 of our passage we see another one - the Alpha and the Omega, which is the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. An alphabet can be put together in endless combinations, and can convey all knowledge.  Jesus is the supreme alphabet, and nothing is outside of His knowledge. He is the beginning and the ending, and everything in between. God’s power is supreme over all world events. He has sovereign control over everything and everyone.

There are also several other truths which the Apostle John gives in our Scripture passage that are worth looking into.  In verse 5 we read where John calls Jesus the “firstborn from the dead”. There are several people recorded in the Bible who were raised from the dead, such as Jairus’ daughter, Lazarus, and the boy Elisha raised. However, they all had to die again. Jesus died, was raised, and will never die again! He is the first-born of the dead. Jesus conquered death for all eternity, and everyone who believes in Him will live forever.

God’s eternal presence is not limited by time (vs. 4).  He has always been present, and will be into time without end.  Yahweh is the great I AM - the One who always was, always is, and always will be (Exodus 3:14).  The Trinity is also represented in these verses (vs. 4-6). The Father - Him who is ,who was, and who is to come - I AM. The Holy Spirit is represented by the seven spirits who are before the throne. (Throughout the Bible the number 7 represents completeness.  John is identifying the fullness of the Holy Spirit.) And the Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Faithful Witness (John 14:9). He is the Firstborn from the dead (John 11:25).  And He is the Ruler over the Kings of the Earth (John 19:11; Romans 13:1).

In verse 7 we read that Jesus will return to earth with clouds.  These are not ordinary clouds, but clouds of glory, the Shekinah glory, like the cloud of glory in the Old Testament which surrounded the Ark of the Covenant with Moses. Those who demanded Jesus be put to death will see Him in His glory (Zechariah 12:10). There is no other book in the Bible that so exalts the Lord Jesus as the Book of Revelation does.

We do not know when the Lord Jesus will return.  It could be at any time (vs. 3). Thus, we must always be prepared, as we don’t know the time nor the day.

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