Friday, January 24, 2020

Sharing The Good News

John 1:29-46

When we find something great, something we really like, what is one of the first things that we usually do?  We tell a friend or a relative about it. When we try out a new restaurant and find we like it, we’ll tell our friends.  We’ll tell others if we find a good car mechanic, or a good barber or hair salon. We’ll even share the news of a TV show that we’ve found and are enjoying.   In our Scripture passage today from the Gospel of John, we will see two young men who find something wonderful, something life-changing, and then cannot wait to tell others.

Our Gospel account today begins along the banks of the Jordan River, just east of Jerusalem.  John the Baptist had been there for awhile, both preaching a message of repentance to God, and also baptizing.  Over a period of time he had gathered some disciples, some followers who have seriously taken his message to heart.  Among them were two young men, fishermen from the northern Galilean city of Bethsaida, along the northern shore of Lake Galilee, Andrew and Philip.  As our passage opens, John the Baptist points Jesus out to his followers, telling them that He is the Lamb of God. Jesus had come to John for baptism, and John tells his disciples that day and the next day, as well, that Jesus is the One they should be following (vs. 29-36).

Both Andrew and Philip are curious about what John the Baptist had told them, and they got up and started to follow Jesus to see what He might have to say (vs. 37-39).  Was He really who John had told them He was? If so, they wanted to know Jesus, they wanted what He would have to offer. Jesus asked them what they were looking for, and the two men indicated they wanted to spend a little time with Him.  When Jesus responded with “Come and see”, they did just that.

It didn’t take either Andrew or Philip long to realize that Jesus was exactly who John the Baptist said He was, that He was the Messiah.  So what did they do with this information they had? Did they follow the age-old admonition to never talk about religion or politics with anyone?  No! As we read further, Andrew ran and told his brother Simon Peter that he had found the Messiah (vs. 40-42). Andrew had become a believer and follower of Jesus, and he sure wasn’t going to keep that a secret, especially from his brother whom he loved!  He told his brother that he had found someone wonderful, Jesus, and that he wanted him to know Him too!

Philip did the same thing.  When Jesus called Philip to follow Him, and he came to believe that Jesus was the Messiah, he didn’t want to keep that information to himself.  Instead, he hurried to tell his good friend Nathaniel all that he knew about Jesus (vs. 43-45). Philip did not let his friend Nathaniel’s initial negative response turn him off.  He just told Nathaniel to “Come and see.” (vs. 46). Sometimes our friends may also be negative at first, but like Philip did, we need to urge them to check Jesus out.

Many people today are hesitant to share their faith, to tell others about Jesus.  A lot of people are afraid of offending others or making them angry. However, we have the best news ever, news of eternal significance.  It’s news that is more important than a new restaurant or a good mechanic. It’s certainly more urgent to spread than telling our friends about a good movie or show.  We never hesitate to tell others about those things, but how about telling them the news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, news that could ensure them a place in heaven, saving them from eternal damnation?

Andrew loved his family, like most people do, and he wanted his brother Simon Peter to meet the Savior.  Through Andrew’s invitation to his brother to come to Jesus, Peter was introduced to Jesus. Peter then came to faith in Jesus as the Messiah, and later became one of the chief leaders of the early Church.  If Andrew had never told his brother, none of that would have happened. Nathaniel also became one that Jesus chose to be one of His 12 apostles. We need to continue to spread the good news that we, ourselves have found, that of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  If we don’t hesitate to tell of restaurants, hair stylists, and movies, we should never hesitate to tell of the best news ever. Do we have a brother or friend who needs Jesus? Let’s be like Andrew and Philip, and spread the news of the Savior. 

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