Saturday, February 15, 2020

Following A Godly Path

Proverbs 16

The Book of Proverbs is a collection of many different thoughts and sayings, a large number of them being written by King Solomon.  A major theme throughout the book is to seek after and obtain the wisdom of God. The different authors seek to instruct the reader with godly values, moral behavior, right conduct, and to develop a proper fear of the Lord.  This morning let us take a brief look at one chapter, and ponder some of the wise sayings collected there.

Right at the start of our chapter we come across a very wise proverb (vs. 1).  We humans always make plans, plans for our day, plans for vacations, for the remainder of our lives.  However, the final outcome of the plans we make is in God’s hands. His plans don’t always line up with ours.  Yet, God’s plans are always better than ours. We should always ask for His guidance as we plan, and before putting a plan into action we should always ask whether our plans line up with God’s Word (vs. 2).  When we set our course for God, He is always there to direct our path (vs. 9).

Our author continues on by instructing us to trust God, totally submitting to His will, knowing that everything depends on Him (vs. 3).  “Committing” our work to God is devoting ourselves completely to His plans before, during, and after all we’ve done, not just asking for His blessing once we’ve finished our work.  When we do, He will fulfill our righteous plans.

Continuing on in the chapter, I have a few brief thoughts on several more of the many proverbs here.  Prideful people say to others, to themselves, and even to God that they feel their way is best. They feel that they can do things without His help, but they will quickly and sadly find they are wrong (vs. 5).  Proud people never feel they can fall, but again, God shows they are wrong (vs. 18). Success by the world’s definition is achievement of wealth, prominence, and fame. Success by God’s definition is a relationship with Jesus, following Him obediently, growing in Christlike character, and spiritual maturity.

God demands honesty and fairness in all that we do, especially in our workplace, not in just trying to make a profit (vs. 11).  God knows the motives we have for whatever we do. He judges our motives as well as our actions. No one finds real happiness by disobeying a clear command of God (vs. 20).  God’s wisdom is a fountain of life, that will bring happiness, health, and eternal life (vs. 22). Living by God’s Word washes away sins. We have a choice to either be enlightened by His Word or be dragged down by our foolishness.

A godly person, one seeking to live for the Lord will watch their tongues and words, using them to heal people, and not to hurt others (vs. 24).  Being patient is more important than being a victorious warrior (vs. 32). Self control is better than conquest. Peacemakers are slow to anger. All of our success can be ruined by losing one’s temper.

In conclusion, let’s look at probably the most important verse in this chapter, verse 25.  Finding the right path is important. People try many ways to get to God, but only one way is the correct path.  All the others lead to destruction. Jesus, and only Him, leads to God (John 14:6).

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