Monday, March 1, 2021

Joy In Christ

 Psalm 16

Have you ever met a person that no matter what was going on in their life or what was happening in the world around them, whether good or bad, they were always cheerful and had a pleasant, joyful demeanor?  They can be as poor as a church mouse but they never complain.  They can be in chronic ill health, or have many personal problems in their family or job, but they always have a genuine smile.  We wonder how they can be like that when others frequently lose happiness when it rains two days in a row.  As we read through this week’s psalm, we will see someone who had a glad heart, a heart full of joy.  Let’s take a look and see if we can find their secret.

Psalm 16 was one of many psalms that King David wrote.  As we know from reading in the Old Testament, David’s life was not an easy one.  As a young man he was frequently on the run for his life, and even after becoming king there were many struggles and trials he dealt with.  David went through so many difficult trials that it would not have been surprising if he had succumbed to depression.  Yet despite his tears and fears, he knew where to turn to so as to find joy.  David knew that his wellbeing was entirely dependent upon God (vs. 2), and he would never turn to the false pagan gods of the nations around him (vs. 4).  That is one key to finding joy in our life, by keeping ourselves faithful to the Lord God, and never taking part in any pagan or heathen rituals.

Another key to a joy-filled life that David found was seeking God’s will and counsel first for any plans he made, and for direction in his life (vs. 7).  When God is our focus in life, it is easier to hear Him speak to us, and thus avoid many wrong paths that will only lead to trouble in our life. Problems do not immediately disappear when we accept Jesus as Savior, and when we follow His way, but we can know He is always with us no matter what happens, and that we are safe in His care when we are in His will.  As Christians and followers of the Lord Jesus, we can have a sense of security, despite what happens in the world (vs. 8).  We still have problems we face, but when following Jesus, we do not need to feel hopeless like the world does.  We can live with confidence and have a joy-filled life.

David knew true joy as a believer (vs. 9, 11).  Joy is deeper and more lasting than happiness. Happiness is temporary because it is based on external circumstances.  Joy is lasting, because it is based on God’s presence within us.  When personal problems, or problems in the world at large abound, people lose happiness and become depressed. They become filled with hopelessness.  Christians can have joy no matter what happens because we have His daily presence.  We know the future that Jesus has for us.  Only a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ can bring us real joy and contentment.  Lasting satisfaction can be found only with Jesus.

In verse 10 we find a prophecy of the resurrection, fulfilled in Jesus, the Messiah.  Both the Apostles Peter and Paul quoted these verses when speaking about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.  Peter quoted the verse during his first sermon on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:25-28, 31).  Paul also quoted it in one of his sermons (Acts 13:35-37).  This verse could not apply to David because he died, was buried, and his body decayed, just like everyone.  It could only apply to Jesus the Messiah, who though He died and was buried, He rose again and His body did not decay.  Even people who were miraculously raised from the dead as recorded in Scripture, they had to die again a second time, and their bodies decayed.

Knowing that God will not forget us when we die is another thing that can bring us joy.  If we have accepted the Lord Jesus as our Savior, He will bring us to life again to live with Him forever.  Those who do not know the Lord do not have that hope.  The thought of death, whether their own or that of a friend or loved one, brings them despair.  However, we can have joy and hope, knowing that He will not ever forget us.

In closing, it is safe to assume that most everyone wants to have joy in their life.  The best way to refill our tank of joy is to spend time in the presence of God.  Pray and read the Bible every day.  The level of our joy determines the level of our strength for the day.

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