Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Be An Overcomer!

 I John 5:1-6

We all like someone who is an overcomer, someone who has faced some sort of trial or difficulty in their life, and who through a lot of tenacity, strength, and determination overcomes those problems.  Overcomers are often the subject of stories, movies, or magazine articles, and it is encouraging to read of someone who overcomes something distressing in their life.  As Christians living in this world, there are great difficulties we face, and here in the Apostle John’s epistle, we read about being an overcomer.  Let’s see what the Lord says in this passage of Scripture, and how we can be that overcomer ourselves.

In these opening verses of the final chapter of the Apostle John’s first epistle, he describes the believer as an overcomer, emphasizing the victorious nature we have through the Lord Jesus Christ.  When we have accepted the Lord Jesus as our Savior, and are depending upon Him for help and strength, we can be an overcomer.

One definition of overcoming is to conquer, to have the victory, to be superior with overwhelming success.  An overcomer is someone who overthrows the enemy, and his victory is seen by all.

One characteristic of a true overcomer is having saving faith in Jesus Christ as one’s personal Savior (vs. 1).  They will continue in faith throughout their life.  It is an ongoing faith, as they continue to believe and follow Jesus.   Another characteristic of this overcomer is not only believing and following Jesus, but also loving both Him and other fellow believers (vs. 1-2).  A true believer and follower of Jesus will have a love for other believers.  He who loves the Father (God) will also love the Son (Jesus), and also love other children of God, other believers.

The third characteristic of an overcomer is obedience (vs. 2-3).  The genuine proof of faith in God is love, and the genuine proof of love for God is obedience.  When we try to obey God through our own power, His commandments can feel rather burdensome.  We often find ourselves failing and falling flat on our face.  However, when we rely on the Holy Spirit to do what we cannot, there is great joy in obedience.  Unlike trying to keep man-made rules and religious traditions, when we seek to obey God and carry the yoke that Jesus gives, if we are leaning on Him we will find it is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30).

The Apostle John tells us in this passage that as believers who put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus, we are able to overcome the world (vs. 4-5).  The world that John is talking about is Satan’s world-wide system of deception and wickedness.  Through Jesus Christ and the salvation we have through Him, we are victors over this world system.  Faith in Jesus and living our lives for Him make us overcomers.

If we are born again, we overcome the world. If we believe that Yahweh is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, that He is our heavenly Father, and that we are His children, there is nothing in the world that can ever overcome us.  We are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).  If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31).

As the Apostle John concludes this passage, he speaks of Jesus coming by both water and blood (vs. 6).  The water refers to the baptism of Jesus, and the Blood to His death on the cross.  God gave testimony to the deity of Jesus through both His baptism and death.

Our victory has already been assured.  It was won on the cross.  It was provided for with the shed Blood of the Lamb of God.  Jesus has provided us with all we need to be overcomers!  We need to declare this truth to ourselves and stand on it in our lives.

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