Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Blessings For Here And Now

 Ephesians 1:1-14

There is an old story that is told of a poor couple who lived in the first half of 20th century on some property in West Texas, several acres not good for much of anything.  They were very poor, and could barely pay their bills and have enough to eat.  After they died, their property was sold to pay off their remaining debts, and lo and behold, underneath their property was found vast oil fields.  The couple had lived all their lives in poverty, like paupers, yet they had untold wealth right beneath their feet.  While this is probably just a tale, it could be applied to many Christians today.  In our Scripture passage today, from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we read of the many spiritual riches believers have in Christ, riches that many don’t know of, and live as if they don’t exist.  Let’s look into our Scripture.

Right away at the start of this letter, Paul lets us know that God has already given us every spiritual blessing that there is (vs. 3).  He has secured them for us in heaven.  They cannot be taken away or lost.  We might obtain something that is very valuable, or have an envelope filled with money, stash it away somewhere for safe keeping, and then forget where we put it or have it stolen.  That cannot happen with the riches believers have been given by God.  They are ours forever, and we do not need to live like spiritual paupers.  God gave them to us to enjoy.  In order to do so, we need to delight ourselves in Jesus.

We have many riches in Christ that are bestowed on us when we get saved.  These are blessings like righteousness, freedom from legalism, an unbreakable union with God, and all of the fruits of the Spirit, such as joy, unconditional love, joy, and peace beyond understanding.  These riches are for us now, not just when we get to heaven.  Too many believers sit in spiritual poverty because they do not make use of God’s riches now, as they could.  They know God saved them and someday they’ll get to heaven, but that’s it as far as their life shows.  There is no reason to wait until heaven to enjoy God’s riches.  We can live joyful, contented lives, overflowing with God’s blessings now.

Before the foundation of the world was created, God set a plan in motion for our salvation (vs. 3-6).  He saw each of us, and made provision for us to turn to Him for salvation, and be born again into His family through His Son, Jesus Christ.  God desires that everyone would turn to Jesus, accept Him as their Savior, and be adopted as His children.  Those who do will have their sins forgiven, receive spiritual insight, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Believers can enjoy these blessings now, not just when we get to heaven.

One of the great riches we have through Christ that Paul tells us of here in this Scripture, is the forgiveness of all of our sins, past, present, and future (vs. 7).  The sin-debt that we had is cancelled through the Blood of Jesus.  Those who call upon Him as their Savior are redeemed forever.  We do not need to live any longer enslaved by our sins.  We have the riches of His grace through the Cross, and lasting freedom forever.  This is something we have, here and now.  Though we cannot always undo our actions, we can know that we are forgiven.  No matter what we’ve ever done, when we come to God through His Son, Jesus, we will then be completely forgiven.  Because of that, we have peace with God, along with His joy. Peace and joy now, not just later when we get to heaven.

The moment we were saved, we were given the Holy Spirit, who will remain with us forever (vs. 13-14).  The Bible describes it as that believers are sealed with the Spirit.  The seal was an official Roman mark placed on a letter, contract, or document.  That mark meant that the document was officially under the authority of the one whose seal it was.  We are sealed with the Holy Spirit by God Himself when we get saved, and we have eternal security, guaranteeing our relationship with Him for all eternity.  The word “guarantee” means the down-payment.  The gift of the Holy Spirit is an installment, or down-payment of our salvation inheritance.  We have been sealed, showing that we belong to God.  The Holy Spirit, which all believers are given, is God’s deposit, guaranteeing that He will do what He has promised.  God assures us that the rest is forthcoming.

Let us not be like that West Texas couple, living in poverty when in reality we have riches.  We can live in the reality of God’s love and His forgiveness.  We can know His peace and joy each day, and live with the power of the Holy Spirit and His fruits in our lives.

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