Saturday, September 18, 2021

Slaying Giants

 I Samuel 17:1-11, 20-49

Today’s Scripture is one that is very familiar to most people.  Even people who are not Christians, who have never even opened the Bible, will be familiar with the account of David and Goliath.  Before anyone brushes this passage aside, thinking that it is only a story for children, let’s take a closer look, and see the lessons that God has for all of us in this well-known passage of Scripture.

We all know the account of David and Goliath.  David, a small shepherd boy, goes up against the giant Goliath, and brings him down with a stone out of his sling-shot.  However, it is not just a lesson in courage, positive thinking, or in the smaller bringing down the bigger.  There are many important spiritual lessons we can learn.  David knew that God could use him to defeat Goliath, just as He had defeated the lion and the bear from attacking the sheep under his care.  It shows us that the victory belongs to God, who is greater than all.

We know how the Scripture account begins - Israel and the Philistines are at war, and in one battle it is decided to fight “single-combat”, one man from each side, winner take all.  The Philistines send Goliath, an immensely tall and strong soldier.  The Israelites have no one who could defeat him.  This challenge goes on for several days, yet no one is found who will fight Goliath (vs. 4-11).

David came to camp one day to deliver some food to his older brothers, and heard the taunts and blasphemies that Goliath shouted out.  He was defying Yahweh, the one true God.  This disturbed David.  It disturbed him that no one in their army would stand up and defend the Name and Honor of God, trusting in Him to defeat the enemy.  David took that challenge.  The Israelite army saw a giant.  David saw a mortal man defying almighty God.  He would stand up for God against His enemies.  He would shut that blaspheming mouth!  We need more men and women who are willing to stand up for Him against the enemy!

When King Saul heard David, he admired his bravery and was willing to let him go, as there was no one else willing.  Saul believed they would be defeated anyway, so why not let David go?  Saul had forgotten how to see through the eyes of faith.  He only saw through the eyes of flesh.  Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God can see.  David could proceed with confidence because he knew God would be victorious!  David didn’t look at externals.  He didn’t see a giant.  The only giant David ever saw was God!  With the omnipotent God on his side, he couldn’t lose!

As David approached the giant Goliath, he picked up five smooth stones to use with his sling-shot.  He didn’t use the traditional weapons, as he was not used to them.  While in the fields protecting his sheep, David used a sling-shot, and he knew that God would protect him no matter what he used.  David’s trust was not in his weapons, it was in God.  It was not in what he had, it was in Who was with him.

Goliath came to battle in his own name.  David came to battle in the Name of the Lord of all the hosts, or armies, of heaven (vs. 45).  He was motivated by the honor and glory of God’s Name.  Goliath jeered at David, the army of Saul, and God.  David, however, spoke one sentence of truth.  With his words of truth, he did not need his own power, intellect, or weapons.  No man-made weapons were a match against God.  David was a living example of what Isaiah said centuries later, when God promised His children that “no weapon formed against you will prosper” (Isaiah 54:17).  David knew God was with him, and he knew what God could do!

David fought in the Name of the Lord, and for the glory of the Lord, whose Name and glory will extend to the uttermost parts of the earth.  Goliath didn’t realize that in fighting David he wasn’t just fighting a youth, but he was also really fighting God.

We must all face giants in our life.  Yet we do not need to face them alone.  From a human perspective, Goliath was invincible.  However, David knew that Yahweh was with him.  That made all the difference!  Focus first and foremost on God, not the giant, just as David did.  That is how he was able to defeat Goliath, and that is how we will defeat any giants the devil sends our way, too.

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