Monday, March 7, 2022

God, Our Shelter And Refuge

Psalm 91

Life seems to be becoming increasingly more difficult, and even perilous for many.  War in various parts of the world, a pandemic recently raging across the globe.  In many big cities, street gangs have taken over neighborhoods, with innocent people getting shot in their battles with one another.  Prices of food and other necessities have risen, while our salaries remain low.  Problems on every side.  What can we do?  Where can we turn?  Our psalm for this week, Psalm 91, is one that many Christians have turned to when danger and fear surround them.  It is one that we can turn to for comfort and assurance of the Lord’s protection during these difficult days.

As our unknown psalmist begins, he addresses God as “Most High” (vs. 1).  This is a good title to remember when in the midst of peril.  God is most high above all.  There is nothing greater and nothing stronger than He is.  Circumstances may overwhelm us, but they cannot overwhelm Him.  No threat can ever overpower God.  All through this psalm we read of the Lord’s protection and care from a multitude of threats.  In order to be eligible for His protection, though, we must dwell in God’s secret place (vs. 1).  We must be in a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus, and abiding with Him (John 15:4-10).

As we read through this psalm, we see various types of danger that we can face, and how the Lord will deliver us.  In verse 3 some of our problems are compared to being caught in a snare.  Like a bird which is entrapped by the hunter, God will protect us from plots intended to endanger us.  We read in verses 3, 6, and 10 of the perilous pestilence, which is a disease, a plague, or as the whole planet has faced, an epidemic.  Yes, multiple thousands around the world died, but since you are reading this, the Lord preserved you.  This psalm has often been called “the soldier’s psalm”, as it speaks of the Lord’s protection when in battle.  We read of arrows (or today, bullets and missiles) flying by, along with the destruction of war (vs. 5-6).

We do not need to fear when we are trusting Jesus for protection.  He will protect us from all deadly attacks.  God does not promise us a world free from danger, as we see throughout this psalm that troubles do come to the author, but God does promise His help whenever we face danger.  Deliverance still has to be the will of God.  Even if harm should come, we can still be secure (Luke 21:16-18; Romans 8:28, 35).  When we are in the presence of the Lord, dwelling in His secret place, we have nothing to fear.  The power of the presence of God will take away all despair and doubt as we fellowship with Him.

As we trust in the Lord Jesus, our faith will prevail while others fall.  Millions are being destroyed by the powers of darkness, but the believer who puts his trust in God is promised that “it shall not come near you” (vs. 7-8).  The results of living without God are very obvious.  Believers, though, have no need to fear.  God’s faithfulness wraps around us (vs. 2).  We are surrounded by God’s bulwark, His fortress.

As our psalm reminds us, God is a shelter and a refuge when we are afraid of the dangerous circumstances we sometimes find ourselves surrounded by in this fearful world we live in today.  We, like the psalmist can have faith that God, as our Protector, will carry us through all the dangers and fears of life.  We need to trade our fears for faith in Jesus, no matter how intense our fears are.

If we are anxious, worried, or struggling with our terrors of the night, remember in Whom we dwell - God and His Word.  God has not forgotten to be gracious to us, nor to hold back His tender mercies.  Give your struggles over to Him, and find refuge and comfort under His wings.  Stand firmly on His Word, His promises, and His strength.  We can trust in the Cross, the Blood, the Name, and the Promises of the Lord Jesus.

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