Wednesday, April 27, 2022

A Divine Description

Revelation 1:5-8, 17-18

When we describe someone, we often tell what the person looks like, such as hair, eyes, weight, etc.  Often though, we might include other descriptions, including personality and accomplishments.  In our Scripture for today from the Book of Revelation, the evangelist John gives us a bit of a description of the Lord Jesus.  He doesn’t tell us what He looks like in this passage, but instead gives other descriptions of what He is like, things He has done, and things He will do.  Let’s take a look.

As our verses begin, the first thing that John mentions is that Jesus is “the faithful witness” (vs. 5).  He came to earth to more faithfully reveal the character and ways of the Father.  Everything that Jesus said and did was a reflection of God the Father (John 14:9).  As a faithful and true Witness, every word that Jesus spoke was truth.  There is no falsehood in Him.

Jesus is also “the firstborn from the dead”.  As Scripture testifies, Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, and rose again.  Though Jesus wasn’t the first to be raised from the dead, as He raised several people Himself, and Elijah and Elisha each raised some people from the dead, He is the only one who rose to never die again.  Of all who have been raised from the dead, Jesus is the preeminent one.  He is God’s rightful heir.  His resurrection proved that eternal life is possible for us, too (John 11:25).

As verse 5 continues, Jesus is “the ruler over the kings of the earth”.  He raises men to power and also removes them from power (John 19:11; Romans 13:1).   John also testifies to the love that Jesus has towards us, in that He shed His Blood to release us from sin.  Both the penalty and power of sin have been broken by His sacrifice.

As our Scripture continues, John tells us that through our union with Jesus, we become kings and priests (vs. 6).  We will rule with Him, and can freely enter God’s presence (Hebrews 10:19).  Believers are also a part of a royal priesthood (I Peter 2:9; Revelation 5:10).

John goes on to tell us that Jesus will return, and when He does, everyone will see Him (vs. 7).  This prophecy echoes Daniel’s prophecy from the Old Testament (Daniel 7:13).  These are not ordinary clouds, but clouds of glory, as when He returns, it will be in power and glory.  “They who pierced Him” are the Jewish people, who were responsible for His death (Zechariah 12:10).  Jesus’ second coming will be visible and victorious.  All people will see Him, and they will know it is Jesus.  He will conquer evil and judge people.  Mourning will take place because of the judgment Jesus will bring upon the world for its sin and shame.

More descriptions of Jesus come in verse 8, where John tells us that the Savior is “the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End”.  He is the fullness of all knowledge, the A through Z of everything in an encyclopedia.  This also lets us know that God carries and goes with us from the beginning to the ending of life, and at all times in between, including all perils and troubles.  The God who was faithful yesterday will meet our needs today, and already knows our tomorrow.  Jesus is the eternal Lord and Ruler of the past, present, and future.

As we jump down to verse 17 John tells how when he saw the Lord Jesus, he fell down prostrate before Him.  John’s initial reaction to the vision that is described in the Book of Revelation was fear.  To fall prostrate is the only real response anyone would have when in God’s presence.

As our Scripture passage closes, we read that Jesus holds the keys of death and hell (vs. 18).  He, alone, can free us from eternal bondage to Satan.  He, alone, has the power and authority to set us free from sin’s control.  Believers don’t have to fear hell or death, because Jesus holds the keys to both.  Jesus decides who lives and who dies, and when that will happen.

Jesus entered death and came out on the other side so that we might no longer need to fear death.  Instead, we can find eternal life in Him.  Praise the Lord that He has conquered death.  Death is an enemy that Jesus has defeated!


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