Wednesday, May 11, 2022

A Grand Celebration

Revelation 7:9-17

Have you ever been invited to a grand party or celebration, one that is for a very important person?  You want to make sure you are properly attired for such an occasion, as jeans and a tee-shirt just won’t cut it for that!  The excitement rises as all of the company awaits the arrival of the guest of honor.  This is the scene that we read in our Scripture today from the Book of Revelation.  Let’s join in with this scene of praise and glory.

The Book of Revelation was written by the Apostle John, recording the visions that the Lord God gave him of end-time events.  Here in Chapter 7 we are given a look at the victory celebration of Jesus.  In the past, returning heroes were greatly lauded with grand ceremonies, including victory parades and other celebrations.  It was always an honor to be invited to such celebrations, particularly if the hero was a prominent person, such as a member of royalty or nobility.  Here the celebration is in honor of the Lord Jesus as He has gained the victory over Satan and the power of sin and death.

As John was given a look at this grand scene, he saw a great multitude gathered.  These are the redeemed, men and women, from every nation, culture, and background.  This shows that salvation is offered to everyone.  All one must do is personally accept the salvation Jesus offers for oneself.

In ancient times, the crowds that lined a victory parade or celebration would often wave palm branches as a sign of honor.  Today people throw confetti, wave glow sticks or sparklers, etc.  At a party celebration one wears their best clothes, especially if the guest of honor is someone prominent.  John sees the crowds here waving palm branches and they are dressed in pure white linen, calling out praise and glory to the Lord Jesus (vs. 9-10).   The pure white linen is symbolic of purity and holiness, that one’s sins have been washed away.  Just as we would be embarrassed and ashamed if we showed up at a party with spots and stains on our clothes, so the redeemed saints cannot have sin-stains on their garments.  We can never be pure and holy in God’s sight on our own.  Our sins can only be washed away with the Blood shed for us by the sinless Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ (vs. 14).

People try many methods to remove the guilt of sin.  They try good deeds, intellectual pursuits, and religious rituals.  However, salvation comes from God, through the shed Blood of the Lamb of God, His Son the Lord Jesus Christ (vs. 10).  Salvation from sin’s penalty can come only through Jesus, not anything that we try to do.  Jesus’ Blood is the only blood which can cleanse us from the terrible stains of sin (I John 1:7).

As John beholds the crowds praising the Lord, dressed in white and waving palm branches, he is told that this particular group are believers who came out of the Great Tribulation (vs. 14).  There will be many who get saved during the great tribulation period.  This multitude did not accept the Gospel before the church was taken up to heaven (I Corinthians 15:51-54; I Thessalonians 4:15-17).  However, during the tribulation period they understood the truth, and received Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  They, like us, are saved by trusting Christ and His Blood which He shed for us.  They remained faithful to Him during this time, many even unto death, and God gives them eternal life with Him.

Some people have become convinced that heaven will be boring, like some long, dull worship or church service.  They don’t want to spend eternity waving a palm branch and singing dull songs.  In reality this will be the most spectacular celebration anyone has ever seen!  We will be worshiping and praising our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and what He did at the Cross, His atoning for all of our sins by giving of Himself in sacrifice.  If someone literally saved your life from a hideously torturous death, wouldn’t you be grateful for them?  If you accepted Jesus as Savior, He redeemed you from hell, and that deserves a celebration!

In closing, John describes some more how wonderful heaven will be (vs. 16-17).  There is no more pain, sorrow, or fear.  There is no more hunger or thirst.  As summer and hot weather are approaching, we know how thirsty we can get.  Here we will have living fountains of water which we can drink from.  God is the source of this living water, which He freely offers through Jesus to all who ask.  And most of all, God promises to wipe away any remnant of tears in our eyes that we have from difficulties here on earth.

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