Friday, June 10, 2022

Show Us The Father

John 14:8-17

Unless someone is an outright atheist, and does not believe in the existence of God at all, I would think that many people would want to see God.  Philosophers and religious leaders of all different cultures have desired and spoken about this for ages.  The desire for a connection with God has been present ever since man’s connection with Him was broken in the Garden of Eden.  Since then, there has been something within most people that seeks Him, unless it has been snuffed out by hardness and wickedness.  In our Scripture today we read of this desire in the apostles, as they speak with Jesus.

Today’s Scripture is another segment of that last, long teaching conversation that Jesus had with the disciples the night before He was betrayed, which John records in his Gospel.  As we begin, Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father (vs. 8).  He, like the rest of them, like many people, wanted to see God.  As Jesus answered him, He told him very plainly that to see Him, Jesus, was to see the Father (vs. 9-11).

This shows that Jesus was not just a “good teacher” like so many people today say, including some false preachers.  Jesus is the visible, tangible image of the invisible God.  He is the complete revelation of what God is like.  There are no attributes of deity that the Son does not possess.  Everything that is true of God the Father is also true of God the Son, Jesus Christ.  Everything that Jesus did was an exact representation of His Father.  To know Jesus is to know God.  If we want to know what God is like, we need only look at Jesus.  Actually, the only manner and way to see God is through Jesus.  The search for God, truth, and reality ends in Jesus Christ.

As Jesus continued, He told His disciples that His believers would do His works, and even greater works (vs. 12).  Jesus did not mean greater works in power, but in extent.  Jesus raised several people from the dead, and none of us can do that.  Christians, though, would become witnesses throughout the world through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and would bring many to salvation because of the Holy Spirit in them.  Jesus’ physical works and miracles were limited to a specific place and time while He was on earth.  However, believers now have the ability to go throughout the world from the time of Jesus until He returns.

Jesus told His disciples that if we ask something in His Name, He will do it (vs. 12-14).  Before anyone would think that they can ask for anything, expensive house, cars, millions of dollars, we need to understand what Jesus meant.  The Name of Jesus is not a magic formula to fulfill our selfish desires, nor just words to add at the end of a prayer.  Jesus is our High Priest.  He has instructed us to come and ask for what we need.  We have the authority to enter the throne room of grace at any time, and the right to use His Name.  However, we must be in agreement with His purposes, asking in agreement with His character and will.   If we are sincerely following God, and seeking to do His will, then our requests will be in line with what He wants.

When Jesus said to ask in His Name, that phrase “in His Name” means “as my agent”.  We are to act as the agent of Jesus’ will.  Our prayers need to be for His purposes and kingdom, and not for selfish reasons.  Our prayers should be on the basis of Jesus’ merits, not on any presumed merits or worthiness of our own.  We must ask according to Jesus’ character and will.  God will not grant requests contrary to His nature or His will.  Our prayers need to be for His glory alone!

Jesus closed this passage by telling us that if we really love Him, then we will obey what He says (vs. 15-17).  Again, love for God is shown by obedience to His Word, the Bible.  In order to be able to obey God, He promised to send us the Holy Spirit.  The Greek word used here is Parakletos, which means one called to the side of another to help.  Jesus said the Holy Spirit was “another” helper, another of the same kind, Someone like Jesus Himself, who will take His place and do His work.  The Holy Spirit has the same essence of deity as Jesus, and is perfectly one with Him, just as Jesus is with the Father.

The Holy Spirit is the source of all truth.  He communicates that truth to His own.  He cannot come into the heart of an unbeliever until that person makes Jesus their Savior.  Apart from the Holy Spirit, no one can know God’s truth.

Do you want to see God?  Do you want to know Him, and to know what is really the truth?  The only way is to come to God through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  When you do, then He will send the Holy Spirit to indwell you, and reveal to you His truth from His Word, the Bible.

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