Friday, November 18, 2022

Jesus Speaks Of The Future

Luke 21:5-19

A popular topic of many Bible studies, and also of Christian books and novels is End Time events, including the Rapture and the Tribulation period.  Some give biblically inaccurate or false information, but others are Scripturally sound.   Another thing that we see every so often are false-messiahs that show up on the scene, and lead gullible, misled and misinformed people astray.  As the last days of Jesus’ life were drawing to a close, He warned His followers of what to expect during the end times, and as we look carefully at these passages, we won’t be deceived, as Jesus warned.

During Jesus’ final week, as He and His disciples were in Jerusalem, the disciples were admiring the structure of the Temple, its beauty and architecture.  They pointed out to Jesus what a grand and beautiful building it was (vs. 5-6).  This was not the Temple that Solomon had built, which was said to have been a magnificent structure.  That Temple was destroyed several centuries earlier by the Babylonians.  This was the second Temple, which was built under the supervision of Ezra, and later greatly expanded by Herod the Great.

Jesus responded by prophesying that this Temple, too, would soon be destroyed.  Not one stone would be left standing upon another.  This event took place in 70 AD, forty or so years later, when the Romans came, led by future emperor Titus.  He and his army put down a Jewish rebellion and revolt, destroying Jerusalem, including the Temple.  The Jewish Temple has never been rebuilt since that day.

Jesus then continues to teach the disciples and us, as well, giving several signs of what the end times would be like.  His first warning in this passage was that of the need to beware of false messiahs and teachers (vs. 8).  Every generation has had plenty of false religious teachers who claim special biblical knowledge, and every once in a while one will claim to be the Messiah, a new special messenger from God, a new, replacement of Jesus, or even a reincarnated Jesus Himself.  However Jesus told us all to not be deceived by these imposters.  No one should consider the claims of self-styled messiahs, because all of them are false.  When Jesus does return, no one will miss it.  The whole world will see, and we will know Him by the prints of the nails in His hands.

Another thing that Jesus warned us all of, will be the increase in the persecution of His followers.  The bulk of this passage describes that, as it is inevitable, it will happen, and we need to be forewarned.  Persecution began right away for Christians, starting with the first martyr, Stephen.  It has never really ended for true believers.  There are some public figures, including many in the media who might want to deny that there is persecution of Christians today, but it is happening all around the world.  God uses persecution, though, to help further His message and make His Word known (vs. 13).  Paul and the other apostles used those occasions to preach, as many oppressed Christians today do, even down to their last breath.

It is an unfortunate thing, but there are times when a believer’s family and friends may turn against them because of their faith (vs. 16).  Jesus warned us that in certain times and countries where Christianity is illegal, there will be occasions when one’s family will be the ones who betray them and turn them over to the authorities for arrest, and possible death.  When we feel completely abandoned, the Holy Spirit will stay with us.  He will comfort and protect us, and give us the words we need (vs 14-15).  He will give us the courage we need to stand firm for Jesus, no matter how difficult the situation.

As Jesus closed this passage, He promised us that not a hair on our head will be lost (vs. 18).  He was not saying that believers will be exempt from persecution, physical harm, or death because of their faith.  As we all know, and as Jesus had just finished saying, Christians will suffer all of that.  However, Jesus promises that none of His followers will suffer spiritual or eternal loss.  We may lose our physical life for following Jesus, but not our eternal life.

Jesus is always in control.  He assures us that He is with us, and will make His kingdom known through us.  Every detail of our life is safe in His hands.  Not a hair of our head is touched without Jesus’ permission.  If we lose our life for His sake, it will be according to His purpose and timing.  Our eternal life is secure.

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