Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The Amazing Love Of God

Romans 5:6-11

There is one question that many would not really like to think about, but I’ll ask it anyway.  Is there anyone who you might be willing to die for?  Plenty of people would answer right away that they would willingly die for their children, or perhaps their spouse, a sibling, or a parent.  Some people have a very close and dear friend, one that they might consider giving their life for if such a dire situation occurred.  What about just an acquaintance, or a stranger?  Not too many would willingly die for them, even if they were very good people.  I don’t think that anyone would be willing to die for an enemy, or someone who had been totally disrespectful to us or done us wrong.  In our Scripture passage today, we read about a Person who did just that.  Let’s look into the Bible, into the Book of Romans, and see what God tells us.

As one reads through the Bible, we quickly learn that because of our sin, our relationship with God has been broken.  The punishment for sin is death, eternal death and separation from God (Romans 6:23).  There is nothing that we can do to repair that.  We are weak and helpless, because we can do nothing on our own to save ourselves (vs. 6).  Someone has to come and rescue us.  As the Apostle Paul continues, there was a Person who was willing to step in and do what was necessary to reconcile us to God, which was to pay the price for our sins, and that price was death.

Again, we ponder exactly who we would be willing to die for (vs. 7).  Like mentioned, perhaps we would for a relative.  However, if that relative had grossly mistreated us, we might not be willing to.  A non-relative would probably have to be someone quite special, someone who had done great good to many.  But considering that such a person is quite rare, the number we would be willing to die for is probably very low.  As we read in the next verse, we see that God loved us so much that He willingly died for us while we were sinners (vs. 8).

Take a look into any nearby prisons.  Would you willingly die for any of those prisoners, those convicted of murder, armed robbery, child abuse, etc.?  What about the gang members in our cities, those who are drug addicts and drunks?  The corrupt politicians and business people?  Though the particulars are different for each of us, we all are in a desperately sinful condition before we accept Jesus as Savior.  And yet, despite being sinners, actually being God’s enemies and in rebellion against Him, Jesus willingly died for us.  He died for those who bitterly hated him.

God sent Jesus to die for us, not because we were good enough, but because He loved us.  He loved us even before we turned to Him, when we were rebels.  Jesus did not die for only the nice or good people, which undoubtedly would be the only condition before we would even consider such a thing.  Jesus gave His sinless life for everyone, the wretch lying in the gutter of the alley, the most vile criminal in prison, and the corrupt businessmen.  He did this because of His amazing love for all of mankind.

God didn’t wait for us to clean ourselves up.  He didn’t wait for us to become good, righteous, or holy, as that would be impossible.  No, He died for us while we were still sinners. He did not die just for our benefit.  He died in our place.  All sin deserves punishment.  However instead of punishing us with the death we deserve, Jesus took our sins upon Himself, and took our punishment by dying on the cross.   Jesus’ death was a substitutionary sacrifice.  It is the Blood of Jesus that saves us from the wrath of God against sin.  Since Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners, how much more will He do for us now that we are redeemed and reconciled to Him? (vs. 9).  We are justified now, and the Blood of Jesus stands as the guarantee for that justification.

Many of us have a hard time feeling loved by other people, and with some people it might be because of some rather rotten things they have done.  However, God didn’t choose to love us because we were especially lovely.  He loved us, and then we became lovely.  God thinks you are very special, so much so that Jesus died for you.  None of us deserve that, but thankfully deserving it isn’t the basis for God’s love!  If this news from God’s Word doesn’t make you feel loved, I don’t know what will!

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