Saturday, March 9, 2024

Cause And Effect

II Chronicles 36:14-23

Most of us have heard about cause and effect.  If a person does a certain thing, a specific result will likely happen.   You don’t sleep well, so you are tired the next day.  You miss a step on the stairs, you will fall. If you study in school, you will likely get a good grade.  Most people like to believe the good ones, but all too frequently deny the bad ones will happen, at least not to them.  Our Scripture for today closes out the Book of Chronicles, and is a prime example of cause and effect.  The people of Judah did certain things, in their case some very bad things, and what God had warned them about did happen, whether they wanted to believe it or accept it, it happened.

Since the days of Moses, when that leader brought the people of Israel the Laws of God, the Lord had repeatedly warned the people that they needed to obey Him or there would be consequences.  After Moses passed, God sent numerous prophets to the people to encourage them to follow His ways, and to warn them of what would happen if they followed the pagan religions of the Canaanites and other nations.  However the people continued to persist in disobeying the Lord and going their own way, worshiping pagan gods.  They felt that all was okay since they mixed the worship of Yahweh with that of the foreign gods, and that since they were God’s “chosen people” He would never really punish them.

The people of the southern kingdom of Judah had seen their sister nation, the northern kingdom of Israel, fall into captivity because of their sins over a hundred years earlier, yet they did not take that dire warning.  Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others warned them, but Judah proved to be no better spiritually than Israel.  Cause and effect happened, the people disobeyed God, and He brought punishment.  The people of Judah also went into captivity to Babylon.

God issues severe warnings against disobedience (vs. 15).  He does so not out of anger, but out of compassion.  God’s warnings are to protect us, not to punish us.  However, when a culture or a people comes to despise God’s Word, and habitually mocks and scoffs at His messengers, judgment cannot be far away.  The people of Judah found that out, and we, today, need to take warning as well.

God gives us warnings to teach us lessons, and to keep us safe, not to be mean to us.  How often do we ignore what He says, even tossing His Words aside?  The people of Judah did.  When God saw them making and worshiping idols, He sent His prophets to warn them, but they wanted their own way (Jeremiah 18:1-12).  Because of this, God allowed Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Jerusalem and carry the people away captive.

In verse 21 we read of one of the many laws of God that the people had persistently disobeyed, and that was one where the people were to give the land a sabbath rest every seventh year.  The land was not to be planted or harvested during that year, in order for it to rest.  One year out of seven, just like the people were to rest one day out of seven.  The people never followed that law, possibly out of fear that God wouldn’t provide for them, even though He had promised He would.  However, the people never obeyed, not for 490 years.  This would date back to the days of the priest Eli, who had raised the prophet Samuel, before the days of David or Saul.  They now owed God 70 years of Sabbath rest, and that is how long He allowed them to be in captivity.  The people had flaunted all of His laws, not just idolatry.

As we look around the world today, we see people and nations who have arrogantly turned their backs on God and His Word, and flaunt their disobedience in front of His face, thinking that nothing will happen.  Even some people and churches who claim to be Christians refuse to follow His Word, and stubbornly think their way is better, that they need to keep step with “today’s culture”.  How about you?  Do you heed God’s warnings?  Do you believe in cause and effect, that if you do certain things, certain results will be sure to follow?  Beware of harboring sin in your life  The day will come when remedy is no longer possible, and God’s judgment replaces His mercy.  There is a day coming when He will judge this world for its sin.  Turn to Jesus, and follow Him before it’s too late!

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