Wednesday, June 12, 2024

It Will Be Worth It All

II Corinthians 4:16-18

Would you go through a minute of bad pain if you knew that the rest of your life would be pain-free?  Many of us might go through a day or two of misery if we knew that afterwards, for the rest of our life, every need or wish we had would be met.  We go through several years of difficult study to get that university degree we desire, in order to have the career we want.  We get a painful shot, take nasty medicine, or have painful surgery in order to have better health in our future.  Why do we do that?  Because we know that the results are worth that momentary pain.  Not getting some diseases is worth the pain of a shot.  Laser surgery on your eyes is worth undergoing if it restores your vision.  The same with many other discomforts.  In our Scripture today, the Apostle Paul reminds us that for believers, the trials and tribulations we go through will be worth it when we consider what the Lord has prepared for us in heaven.

As our brief Scripture opens, Paul urges us to not lose heart, to not become discouraged when we go through something hard, difficult, or terrible (vs. 16).  We might be going through a catastrophic illness or injury, some deep financial trouble, or painful relationship problems.  It may feel like we are perishing, and perhaps we actually are.  Paul even says that our outward man, our physical body, may be perishing.  Our daily struggles wear down our physical body, and the more stress and problems we have, the more we physically break down.

Then Paul gives us some encouragement following that statement.  Our outward body may be perishing, but our inward body, our spiritual self, is renewed each day when we walk with the Lord, trusting in Him and His Word.  The dark moments of our life will last only so long as is necessary for the Lord to accomplish His purpose.  The Lord has a purpose for everything we go through, and even if He didn’t cause the catastrophe we might face, He allowed it, and can use it for our good if we allow Him.  We need to remember that nothing touches us that has not passed through the hands of our Heavenly Father.  Whatever occurs, God has sovereignly surveyed and approved.  Let God work His good purpose, and our inward man will be renewed.

There is a purpose in the trials that the Lord allows us to go through.  First, when we go through something difficult, that trial can remind us of all that Jesus suffered for us.  He didn’t have to, He could have said no, but He didn’t.  Jesus went through the worst suffering out of love for us, to redeem our souls from sin and hell.  Our suffering can also keep us from becoming too prideful, one of the worst of sins.  They can cause us to look beyond this brief life, at what the Lord has in store for us.  And when we go through trials in a patient and godly manner, the Lord has the opportunity to demonstrate His power through us.

God will amply reward what we suffer if we are obedient to Him (vs. 17).  Jesus will bless us for our faithfulness to Him (Mark 10:28-30).  We must never forsake our eternal reward because of the intensity of today’s pain.  Our very weakness allows the resurrection power of Christ to strengthen us moment by moment.

The problems we see are temporary, but the hope we have in Jesus, though unseen, is eternal (vs. 18).  The problems may seem like they’ll never end, just like when we go through a long, dark tunnel.  But don’t you see that speck of light far ahead, at the end?  When going through a difficult time, keep your eyes on Jesus, just like we keep our eyes on that speck of light at the end of the tunnel.

All the trials and tribulations we go through will be worth it when we get to heaven.  What is 70, 80, or 90 years compared to all of eternity?  It is like a millisecond to a lifetime!   Remember, this life is not all there is!

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