Saturday, January 28, 2017

What Does The Lord Require?

As this passage of Scripture opens, we seem to have entered a courtroom of sorts.  God has raised a complaint against His people.  Why have they turned their back on Him, and gone after the false gods of the surrounding nations?  Though He has been a faithful God, caring for His people, they have been faithless, as the mountains that He calls on to witness can tell.  Those mountains have been there all along, and have seen the people turn repeatedly to false gods.

The people can reply that they bring offerings and sacrifices to the Temple on a regular basis.  Won’t God be pleased with that?  The Prophet Micah responds, does God really want multitudes of animal sacrifices?

Verse 8 is the key.  God has shown us what He wants from us - a changed heart, a changed life.  He wants us to act justly, show mercy, and humbly walk in a life that is pleasing to Him.

How does that apply to us today?  The people in Micah’s day were depending on empty religious rituals and traditions, but their hearts were far from God.  Many were even worshipping other gods in addition to Yahweh.  Today there are some people who might wear the name tag of “Christian”, but who try to embrace all religions, a type of Universalism, saying that all religions are valid.  They do not follow God, and Him alone, with their whole heart.  If God didn't accept and okay the worship of Baal and other Canaanite gods, do you really think He accepts it today, just because society has advanced over the centuries, and we are now more tolerant and accepting?

Are our dealings with others just and right, or do we cheat others in our business dealings?  Do we extend mercy to others to the same degree of mercy we would want extended to ourselves?  Do we walk humbly with God, or is our spiritual chest puffed out - “Well, look at me!  Aren't I someone holy and special?”

Religious rituals don’t amount for anything if our hearts aren't right with God.  Several times in this passage God calls us to hear Him in His Word.  Are we listening?

1 comment:

  1. God wants nothing in return from us. He do give us so many things without even asking so, We should thank him for all the things which he used to send for us. God is great
