Monday, May 29, 2017

Praise To A Generous God

Psalm 68

Our psalm for this week is Psalm 68.  This psalm includes just about everything - praise and thanksgiving to God (vs. 3-4, 26, 34-35), reminders of God’s help and deliverance (7-12), and even calling upon God to deliver us from enemies and Him to deal with them (vs. 1-2, 21-23).  We need to praise God for all of the things He has done for us - for His provisions and His protection.  Our prayers of request need to be balanced with prayers of praise.

This psalm, which has listed King David as its author, has many references from the children of Israel’s past.  Verse 1 is taken, almost word for word from what Moses would say when the Ark of the Covenant was picked up and moved from location to location, in Numbers 10:35.  Verses 7 and 8 would remind the readers of the days in the wilderness, particularly when they were camped by Mt. Sinai, where Moses went up to meet with God, and received the Ten Commandments.  Mt. Sinai has always played an important role with God’s children.  It was at Mt. Sinai that God first called Moses (Exodus 3:1-10).  After their rescue from slavery in Egypt, God brought them to Mt. Sinai and gave them His commandments (Exodus 19:1-3).  At God’s presence there, the whole mountain trembled, which is referenced in the verse here in this psalm.

Further verses, (vs. 9-14), speak of God’s provision for His people as they traversed the wilderness, providing food and water for them each and every day.  It also speaks of the victories He gave the people over kings and nations when they entered to take possession of the Promised Land.  As King David speaks of this, he is praying that there will be further victories over other nations, as they will come and bring their offerings to the Lord God in His Temple (vs. 28-31).

The land of Bashan was situated north-east of the nation of Israel.  It was a very mountainous and hilly land, and included Mt. Hermon, one of the highest mountains in the area.  God did not choose that mountain for the site of His Temple (vs. 15-16).  He chose, instead, Mt. Zion, which is much smaller in comparison.  God does not always choose the greatest, the strongest, or the most beautiful, for His purposes.  When He wants to get something done, He rarely picks the biggest and physically strongest man around for the job.  God certainly doesn’t pick the most physically beautiful for His servants.  And neither does God only pick the most intellectual and the ones with the most university degrees to proclaim His message.

Verses 5 and 6 contain some very precious promises for some believers.  There God has promised to be a father to those who have no earthly father, and a defender or advocate for widows, women who have no husbands to care for them.  I don’t think this is strictly limited to those whose fathers or husbands have literally died.  God will also care for and protect children and women whose fathers and husbands have abandoned them, walked out and no longer care for them, as well as those whose fathers and husbands may be physically present, but who do not love or care for them like they should, who have been abandoned in the heart of those who should love and care for them.  For those who are alone, God has promised them a whole new family.  When we give ourselves to the Lord when we have become born-again, we have a whole new family of fellow believers.  Even if we are physically all alone and lonely, Jesus is always with us, His Holy Spirit indwelling us.

We can praise God for His provisions.  We can trust Him that even though we might not see His answers immediately, He will fulfill His promises.  We should not take God’s blessings for granted.  He gives us life, food, shelter, friends, and family.  As verses 32 - 35 say, when we look at all that God has done for us, we must sing His praises and proclaim them to all creation.


  1. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
    I am praying for you and Albert today. The LORD will provide.
    Marsha, Bangs TX

  2. God is greatest. He has given us countless number of things to thank for. We should thank him for everything he has given me all the time from our tongue and in our hearts.
