Saturday, May 19, 2018

Heed God's Warnings

Joel 2:28-32

Our Scripture reading today comes from the Prophet Joel, and is one that is frequently the Old Testament passage churches read on the Day of Pentecost. The festival of Pentecost celebrates the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon the first Christians. In a way this is the birthday of the Church. Immediately following this first outpouring of the Spirit, and the non-believing crowds started to take notice, Peter quoted this Old Testament prophecy to those wondering what was going on (Acts 2:16-21).  Prior to Pentecost the Holy Spirit had only come upon certain people at certain times. Now, however, from this day of Pentecost on forward, the Holy Spirit indwells every believer.

Yes, today all true believers have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. However not all believers allow the Holy Spirit to control, lead, and direct their lives.  As followers of the Lord Jesus, we need to permit Him to empower us by submitting to God and being obedient.  The more we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us, the more our lives align with Him and His Word. When we’ve been out in the hot sun all day, and come in for a break, do we only want a partial glass of our favorite, cold beverage?  No, I want the glass to be all the way full with nice, cold lemonade. Likewise, I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit each day. We need to be filled with the Spirit by allowing Him to work in and through our life each day.

As Joel’s prophecy continues, he speaks of the day of the Lord (vs. 31-32).  The day of the Lord here is one of judgment. As children we learn to dread being sent to the school principal’s office for punishment.  As adults, those we may be hauled in front of for punishment are more serious, e.g. police, judges, government officials. As dreaded as these may be, it is far more serious to come before the judgment throne of God!  As distressing as this may be, however, Joel gives us some very good news here!  We can be spared God’s judgment if we call upon Him for salvation. God’s intention is not to destroy, but to save.  We must, though, accept His salvation or we will perish with the unrepentant.

It is always wise to take heed to warnings.  Whenever I see a warning light flash on in my car, I had better be certain I pay attention to it or I might find myself beside the road with the car not running.  Failing to heed warning signs while hiking can be dangerous or possibly fatal. Only a fool fails to heed the warning signs when around high voltage electricity. God gives us warnings all throughout Scripture, and through His prophets and pastors.  Do we heed His warnings or ignore them? The folks in Hawaii right now really need to heed the warnings about the volcano that is erupting there. Ignore God’s warnings and your eternal destiny is at stake. He has promised, though, that whoever calls on Him will be saved (vs 32).

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