Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Joint Heirs With Jesus

Romans 8:14-17, 22-27

Imagine your surprise if upon opening some mail you read that a huge inheritance was waiting for you!  For most of us that is unlikely, as we have no surprise millionaire relatives or benefactors waiting to bequeath their riches on us.  Or do we? In our Scripture passage from the Book of Romans today we read that for those who have accepted the Lord Jesus as Savior, they are now the children of God, and joint heirs with Jesus.  Let’s look at this passage together, as this is exciting news!

Every one of us were physically born into one family or another. Some are kind, others not so kind, some richer, many not at all. Spiritually we are all lost and separated from God from the day of our birth.  When we receive Jesus as Savior, we become children of God (John 1:12). We are the adopted children of God, with all the rights and privileges that go along with that!  We are no longer cringing slaves, but the Master’s children!

Many of us had earthly fathers who were not all that pleasant.  As adopted children of God, we can come before Him without fear.  As verse 15 says, we call Him “father”, a term that implies tenderness, free from fear or anxiety. Just as adopted children become legally the real children of the family, God is not just a father-figure to us, but our real father.  With God as our Father, we can come into His presence at any time, all because of the Blood of Jesus. Someone outside the family doesn’t have that close, privileged access.

A possible fear of an adopted child might be that the adoption is not real, and they really aren’t a part of the family.  How do we know for sure that this adoption is valid? In verse 16 we see that the Holy Spirit confirms the validity of our adoption by the fruit He produces in us (Galatians 5:22-23), and the power He provides us with.

Not only have we been adopted, but we are also joint heirs with Jesus!  (vs 17). What exactly is a joint heir? A joint heir receives the exact same inheritance as the other person.  Whatever Jesus has through inheritance has become ours through the very same inheritance.  He is pleased to share His inheritance with us! Unlike Jewish law where the first-born son received the vast majority of the inheritance, Roman law divided the inheritance equally between the children.  The law protected what had been inherited. We are fellow heirs with Christ, and have access to God’s riches, including joy, love, and peace.

Another cause for rejoicing in our Scripture passage today is the promise that when we don’t know how, or what to pray for in a certain issue or need, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us (vs 26-27). Many of us might, at one time or another, just not know what to say in our prayers, especially in a crisis time, or when our heart is so crushed. As a child of God, with the Holy Spirit indwelling us, He prays for us when we have no words.

When we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit leads us to communicate in a new way.  He hears our inner cries, guides us by applying Scripture to our lives, and instructs us on how to do His will.  We should be daily so filled with the Spirit that He is praying through us when we pray. Our prayer will be according to God’s will, as it is guided by the Holy Spirit.  Even when we don’t know the right words to pray, the Holy Spirit prays with and for us, and God answers. No words are necessary, because the Father understands, and agrees with the Holy Spirit.

Joint heirs with Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to intercede - what wonderful blessings to those who have become children of God!

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