Wednesday, June 5, 2019

An Invitation To Everyone

Revelation 22:12-21

Most everyone likes to be invited to a party.  Children get all excited when an invitation to a birthday party of a classmate arrives, and how disappointed they feel if they are left out.  Adults eagerly wait for that invitation to a wedding to come, or that invitation to the boss’s boat or cabin for the day, and feel snubbed if they don’t get one.  How about an invitation to heaven? Do only select people receive that, like with a birthday or wedding invitation? Only the favored ones or the most popular people?  In our Scripture passage today we read of an invitation by God to drink of the water of life in heaven, and it is an invitation for everyone.

As our passage opens from the final verses of the Book of Revelation, the final book of the Bible, we read the words of Jesus, telling us that He will return at any time (vs. 12).  We don’t know when that will be, so we all need to be ready. He promises to reward our works. Works do not save us. Instead, they show that we are saved.  Only those works which survive God’s testing fire have eternal value and will be rewarded (I Corinthians 3:10-15; II Corinthians 5:10).

Jesus also repeats the same title He used when He first appeared to John when showing him these revelations (Revelation 1:8), that He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and ending, everything. Jesus also calls Himself the “Root and Offspring of David” (vs. 16). Jesus is the source, or root, of David’s life, which establishes His deity. He is also a descendant of David’s, thus His offspring, which establishes His humanity.  Jesus is both fully God and fully man. Then He calls Himself the “Bright and Morning Star”. The morning star is actually the planet Venus, which often appears shining brightly in the east, just before sunrise. Jesus is the bright star which will shatter the darkness of man’s night, and bring the Light of God’s day.

After these words from Jesus, we read of the invitation that the Spirit and the Bride give to all in verse 17.  Both give the invitation to “Come”, and to drink of the water of life freely. This is God’s unlimited offer of grace and salvation to all who desire to quench their thirsty souls.  These words echo the words that Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, when He told her of the life-giving water He brings to all who accept Him (John 4:14). Salvation is offered to everyone.  We don’t read of any restrictions to this invitation in the verse. However, only those who choose to come will be saved.  Just as when we receive an invitation to a birthday party or wedding reception, we must accept the invitation, decide whether or not we want to go, and then go to the party or not.  The birthday cake or other favors from the party won’t come to us. We have to accept and go. Jesus’ invitation is given to all, but each person must decide whether or not to accept.  Salvation through Jesus is offered to all, but it must be received in order to be effective to each individual.

Our passage proceeds with a warning against altering Biblical texts (vs. 18-19). There is a similar warning given in Deuteronomy 4:1-4. God is very clear that He does not want anyone to distort the Bible’s message.  We are not to tamper with the truth of Scriptures. That includes falsifying, altering, or misinterpreting the Bible. Those who do will incur God’s judgment.

Knowing that Jesus could return at any moment, we should keep motivated to live productively for Him.  All through the Bible we see that obedience to God’s commands brings blessings, including being able to enter the City of God and access to the Tree of Life (vs. 14). Those kept outside of the City are those who have low moral character (vs. 15).

Sometimes when people read a novel or mystery book, they like to look ahead to the last chapter in order to see how it all turns out. Here we’ve read the last chapter of the Book God has written, the Bible. We know how it will end, both for believers and unbelievers. If you haven’t already, please accept the invitation that God has given you, to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and quench your spiritual thirst with the water of life that He offers. Do not put it off, as we do not know when He may return. It could be today!

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