Friday, June 28, 2019

Take Up Our Cross

Luke 9:23-25

A message that is repeatedly being told to people today by the advertising world, psychiatrists, many authors, and even some ministers, is to put yourself first.  They tell us to think only about and satisfying our own wants, needs, and desires. In our Scripture passage today from the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells us that is not to be the way for His followers.  Let’s read His message and see what the Lord says to us.

The world and today’s society constantly tells us to put ourself first.  We should take what we want and promote our own interests. However here in today’s Scripture, Jesus tells us the opposite.  Instead of thinking about making sure we get everything we want and need, believers need to trust that God will provide all that we need (Philippians 4:19).  Jesus said to deny ourselves and follow Him. The humble, not the proud, will receive honor from God (James 4:10).

What does following Jesus mean?  For one, we are to imitate Jesus’ life, and obey all of His commands.  When Jesus said, in approximately 30 AD, to take up one’s cross (vs. 23), that meant to carry the cross one was going to be executed on to the place one would be crucified.  Crucifixion was a horrific form of execution. Jesus did just that through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary. We are to identify completely with Jesus’ message, even if it means our death.  We must deny our own selfish desires, wanting our own way, including with our time, our money, and our desires, and instead follow Jesus.

We aren’t called to give God “a try”.  He calls us to fully surrender. We cannot continue to live as we please.  If we are truly God’s children, Jesus should be our whole life. He wants a commitment from us.  Are we willing to give it? Contrary to what society tries to push, we need to quit focusing on ourselves.  Focus on God, following His priorities, and focus on others. This calls for taking up our cross daily. Jesus frequently taught on self-denial.  He wants His followers to obey His commands, serve one another, and if need be, to suffer or die for His sake.

Some of the spiritual things we do are rooted in self.  Our motive could be to be seen by men, or to feel important.  Wrong motives do not please God. A follower of Jesus should never seek after any form of self-glory.  Jesus can liberate us from our need to boost our self-worth. He can fully satisfy our need for love and belonging.  Whatever we are dealing with today, Jesus can help us with it by us taking a single step at a time. We are to take up our cross and take that step.

How much do we treasure this present life?  If it is the most important thing, then we may not want to do anything that might endanger our safety or comfort, even if it is for the Lord.  However, if following Jesus is the most important, we will be willing to do anything He asks (vs. 24-25), including going somewhere dangerous to bring His message, or speaking out for Jesus at the risk of our safety, or leaving our comfortable home and job for what He asks us to do.  Nothing material can compensate for the loss of eternal life. A faithful Christian should not use their own life on earth solely for their own pleasure. They should spend their lives serving God and others.

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