Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Most Crucial Decision

Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Life is filled with choices.  Every single day we make all sorts of choices.  Some might be very critical, however many are rather unimportant.  They are still choices. When we get up we decide whether we will eat breakfast or not, and if so, what we will eat.  Eggs or cold cereal, coffee or cocoa. We decide what to wear, what to watch on TV at night, what book to read, and what movie to see.  At work we might have to make some more critical decisions, such as which contractors to hire for the building we are designing, or which advertising firm to go with.  We have to decide who to marry, or if we are going to marry at all, and whether to buy a house. All decisions we need to make throughout our life.

In our Scripture passage today God is calling us to make a very important decision, the most important decision of our life.  This decision is one whose effects will last for all eternity. None of the choices and decisions I listed above are anywhere near this important, as they are not life and death decisions.  However, the one God is calling us to make in our Scripture today is that important.

At the time this passage from Deuteronomy takes place, the nation of Israel has spent the last forty years passing through the wilderness, after having escaping slavery in Egypt.  They are on the east side of the Jordan River, ready to enter the Promised Land. Moses gives them some final words before he dies, including this passage where he implores the Israelites to make the important decision to follow and obey Yahweh, the one and only God.

Moses presents the two choices to the people.  They can choose life and good on the one hand, or they can choose death and evil on the other (vs. 15, 19).  Choosing to follow Yahweh was life. Choosing to turn their back on Him and follow the pagan idols of the neighboring nations was to choose death.  It was as simple as that. Did they want blessings and life, or curses and death? Though all of Israel was invited to take part in God’s covenant, only those who chose to obey that covenant agreement received His blessings.  To choose against God brings emptiness, pain, and death.  To choose God brings blessings, fulfillment, and life.

This is the exact same decision that Jesus calls on us to make.  We are each given the opportunity to choose either life or death.  The one who believes in Jesus has the promise of eternal life. The one who refuses to believe in Jesus, who does not ask Him to forgive their sins, and to be their Savior faces eternal death.  Everyone has the same decision to make.

On the banks of the Jordan that day, some decided to follow Yahweh, and many did not.  Some only half-heartedly accepted Him, but as soon as they moved into the Promised Land they succumbed to the temptations to follow the false pagan gods.  Today we find the same. There are those who outright refuse Jesus. There are those who may claim to follow Jesus, but He is really only a name for Christmas and Easter, for weddings, baptisms, and funerals.  Then there are those who wholeheartedly accept and follow Him. Those are the ones who have chosen life. The others have chosen death.

God challenges us to choose Him, to choose life and His blessings.  He doesn’t force His will on anyone. God lets us decide whether to follow Him or to reject Him.  In reality this is a life or death decision, one that will last throughout all eternity, a choice between an eternity in heaven or an eternity in hell.  If you have not already made that decision, I urge you today to decide. Choose Jesus and choose life!

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