Monday, September 2, 2019

When Bad News Comes Knocking

Psalm 112

What is your response when bad news comes knocking at your door?  For many that response is to panic, and sometimes even totally fall apart.  That should not be the case for believers and followers of Jesus Christ. He is a shelter we can run to and a rock in which we can hide when the troubles come.  Even when things are difficult, the Lord continues to bless those who follow Him. That is the theme and message from our psalm for today. Let’s look into the Scripture passage together.

God loves to bless those who are obedient to His Word, the Bible.  When we obey His commands, delight in and fear the Lord, we can look for Him to bless us.  Throughout our passage today the psalmist enumerates these blessings. Some blessings might be actual physical things, like financial blessings (vs. 3).  Others are not physical blessings, but rather things like security (vs. 6) and freedom from fear (vs. 7-8). Many people mistakenly think that if only they had more money, then their problems would go away.  They think that nothing would ever bring them worry or fear again, that bad news would either never come around, or else it wouldn’t bring them worries. Desiring and accumulating money can bring two problems.  One is that it often leads to abusing others in order to get these riches. Also, when one gets riches they are often wrapped up in worry over losing that money. Instead, the Lord wants us to be generous to others with our money (vs. 5).  This will help to eliminate financial fears, knowing that it is really God’s money and not ours.

When the bad news and troubles knock on our door we need to stand steadfast on the Lord and His Word, and be encouraged, relying on Him (vs. 6-8).  As believers we don’t need to be in a panic then. The unsaved do, as they do not have God to turn to. However, we do. The lost turn to other means and false hopes to help them.  Some succumb to drugs or alcohol. They seek fleeting comfort in all the wrong places. Don’t give in to fear when bad news comes. Instead, glorify God, and take courage (John 14:27).

A righteous and godly person will fear the Lord (vs. 1).  Fearing the Lord means to respect and revere Him as Almighty God.  When we fear Him, God’s dignity will be uplifted, and those faithful to Him will be honored.  In total contrast, the wicked man lives a worthless existence without strength, and has nothing of any substance or help to turn to when bad news and problems appear.

When we trust in Jesus completely to take care of us, all of our fears will disappear.  That doesn’t mean that all of our problems disappear, for we will have problems as long as we are on this earth.  However, when we trust completely in His love and care, our worries and fear disappear. God is always ready and available to carry our burdens.  He is never too tired. Our burdens are often too heavy for us to carry, so why don’t we give them over to the Lord.

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