Saturday, November 2, 2019

Get The Stains Out

Isaiah 1:10-20

Have you ever gotten a bad stain on a favorite shirt, skirt, or tablecloth?  You tried over and over again to get it out, using all sorts of various stain-removers and suggestions, however nothing worked.  Perhaps the stain faded a bit, but you could still see the mark. Or perhaps you have a nice white shirt or dress that is no longer that bright white anymore, having become somewhat gray.  In our message today from God’s Word we read what the prophet Isaiah said about the stains of sin that cover our soul, and the only possible way to remove them.

As our passage opens, Isaiah is bringing the people of Judah God’s Word.  Many of the people were worshipping God in the Temple, bringing their sacrifices there, and celebrating the holy days and feast days.  However, God was not happy with them (vs. 10-15). Isaiah preached to the people how God had enough of their burnt offerings, that their incense was making Him sick, and that He was weary of their worship.  What was wrong? Why would God be speaking this way? God was unhappy with their sacrifices. He wanted sincere faith and devotion from the people, not just outward obedience and outward motions of worship. Even though the people brought their sacrifices and offerings, they were still unfaithful to God in their hearts.  The outward signs meant nothing if in their hearts was no true faith.

Rituals mean nothing without true faith.  What good is going to church on Sundays, singing in the choir, putting money in the offering, if we are still sinning Monday through Saturday?  God wants us to love Him, trust Him, and turn from our sin. All of the sacrifices the people of Judah brought, and keeping of holy days in the Temple meant nothing to God if their hearts and lives were not truly given to Him.  The same is true today. Our religious rituals are just empty acts, and mean nothing to God if we continue in sin. Isaiah then calls the people to repent of their sins, to put away their evil behavior, and to follow God and His ways (vs. 16-17).

Have you ever tried to talk sense to some people who were bent on their mistaken path and ideas?  You debate and argue, but it does no good. Here in Scripture, God calls us to listen to His reasoning (vs. 18).  He will argue His point with us, and being that He is God, and not us, His words and argument is the right one. His reasoning is that He does not want our vain worship unless our hearts are right with Him.  It means nothing to Him. Yet God calls us, He invites us to come to Him. He invites us to accept forgiveness and eternal life from Him.

Once we turn our hearts and lives to God, and seek to follow His ways, what can we do with our sin-stained souls?  Our sins have left stains that are bright red. They stick out like a deep red wine stain on a pure white tablecloth, and are much more difficult to get out than that.  The red or scarlet color was describing a bright red dye that was obtained from the eggs of a small insect. Clothes that were dyed in this red dye had the color permanently fixed and set.  This red color would not fade away after several washings. Sin is like that. Nothing can remove it but the Blood of Jesus. The Blood of Jesus will wash away any sin stain, and make it pure white again (Revelation 7:14).

God promises that when we are washed from our sins by the Blood of Jesus we will become as white as pure white snow.  Have you ever walked outside right after a snowfall, before the snow becomes dirty from people, animals, and vehicles going through it?  It is so white and bright that often you have to squint your eyes for a moment from the brightness of it. Several times in Scripture, God uses snow as a figure, a picture of how He will cleanse us from sin and make us whiter than the whitest snow (Psalm 51:7).   God promises to cleanse us from sin and make us whiter than that!

We can never be cleansed unless we confess we are dirty.  We can never be pure until we admit we are filthy. Once we do, though, then God can remove the stain of sin from our hearts.  If we are willing, repentant, and obedient, God will forgive us and remove the sin stains. Only God can remove the sin that separates us from Him.  He, alone, makes us as white as snow, cleansing us from guilt through Jesus Christ. Come to Jesus and accept His cleansing from sin.

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