Saturday, November 30, 2019

When Peace Will Come

Isaiah 2:1-5

Today marks the beginning of the Christian season of Advent, the first of four Sundays prior to Christmas.  Advent is the season of preparation for the celebration of Christmas, Jesus’ nativity, and also expectant waiting for His return at the Second Coming.  The word Advent in English comes from the Latin word “adventum”, which means appearing or coming. Jesus appeared on earth the first time in human flesh as an infant, and it is His birth we celebrate at Christmas.  He will appear on earth a second time as the returning King to judge the living and dead at His Second Coming. That future event we eagerly await. Our Old Testament Scripture passage for this week comes from the prophet Isaiah, and pictures some events that will happen at the time of Jesus’ Second Coming, which we look forward to.

The city of Jerusalem was built upon several “mountains” or large hills.  Upon one of these hills King Solomon built the Temple, where the people came to worship Yahweh for several centuries until it was destroyed at the time of the Babylonian captivity.  Another temple was built upon the Temple Mount when the Jewish people returned from captivity. This temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. Isaiah prophesied a day when God’s children will flock to this mountain in worship of the Lord (vs. 2).  This day has not happened yet, but will occur when Jesus returns the second time.

This world is desperately seeking peace.  Politicians promise to work for peace. Religious leaders preach about peace.  Organizations are founded to try and bring peaceful relations between people and nations.  Counselors and therapists try and work for peace between individuals and within oneself. So many people desiring peace, and yet this world does not see it happening.  So many nations have a giant arsenal of weapons stored up, ready to use at a moments notice. People are so ready to clobber each other at the slightest hint of a supposed insult.

Yet here we read from the prophet Isaiah of a day coming when there will be peace between nations and individuals (vs. 4).  We all want this to happen. When will this day occur? The day that Isaiah prophesies about will happen when the Lord Jesus returns.  There will be wars until the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) returns to earth to put an end to them. When Jesus reigns, peace will come to the earth.  The instruments of war will be turned into instruments of farming. Instead of killing, they will be turned into something that will bring life and nourishment.

When Jesus, the Messiah, reigns from His throne, which will be established in Jerusalem, the world will enjoy peace.  At this time Jerusalem, which has been the sight of so much conflict and bloodshed for numerous centuries, will be exalted, as Jesus will reign from there.  In Jesus’ messianic kingdom, all people will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the world (vs. 2-3).

In addition to peace between nations, there will also be peace between individual people (vs. 3).  People will come together and desire to learn about God and worship Him in truth together. We will be taught God’s laws, and all will obey them.

Isn’t this a day that we eagerly look forward to?  In addition to looking forward to Christmas, Advent points us to look forward to Jesus’ return.  Though world peace won’t happen until He returns, we, as His children, can live in that way with each other.  When we follow and obey the Lord’s Word, we will walk in His light (vs. 5). Without God, we can only grope in the darkness.

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