Friday, December 6, 2019

As In The Days Of Noah

Matthew 24:37-44

Have you ever been the victim of a burglary, where someone broke into your home and stole from you?  Afterwards you might have felt that if only you had stayed home that evening it wouldn’t have happened.  Or if you weren’t such a sound sleeper, you might have woken up and the criminal might have run off. If only you had known ahead of time!  If only we were more alert, many things in our life might not have happened as they did. In our reading from the Gospel of Matthew, our Lord gives us a warning to be alert, for our eternal future depends upon it.

Jesus has been talking to His disciples about the Last Days, what to be looking out for, and the need to be watchful and vigilant.  Jesus compares the Last Days to the days right before Noah entered the ark (vs. 37-39). Jesus speaks of Noah as an actual, historical person who lived, and the Flood as an actual event that occurred, not as a myth, legend, or fairy tale.  In the days of Noah, the people were living with no regard for God. They were drinking, partying. They were involved in any and every type of sin. Lawlessness was rampant.  Worship of false gods was probably prevalent, as well. They laughed at Noah and his family as they saw the ark being built, or else they just completely ignored him and his warnings.  They ignored the warnings! Then the Flood came and they all perished.

Not only were the people in Noah’s day wicked, as that was why God sent the Flood to begin with, but Jesus pointed out that they were overly preoccupied with the everyday matters of life - eating, drinking, etc.  There was no concern with God or spiritual matters at all. Then judgment fell, swiftly and suddenly. They had received warning by Noah’s preaching (II Peter 2:5). The ark itself was a testimony. They were unconcerned, and thus were judged.

The rich and poor, the learned and illiterate, religious and profane, old and young - they all came to the same fate.  Many had probably ridiculed Noah and his family. Now where were their words? God provided only one way of escape from the Flood - the ark.  He has provided only one way to escape the coming judgment.  It is only through His Son, Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).

Jesus continues on, warning His followers to be aware, alert, and looking for His return (vs. 42-44).  Jesus will return at an hour we do not expect, despite some people spending hours making formulas and calculations to figure out the date.  No one will know the date or time before it happens. It will come unexpectedly. God acts in His timing, not ours. We need to always be prepared, and walking in the center of His will at all times.

As mentioned at the start of this study, no one knows when the thief comes.  If they did, they would stay at home or would stay awake, be ready with police to arrest the burglar (vs. 43).  Likewise, no one knows when Jesus will return. It will be swift and sudden.

We need to be alert and ready when Jesus returns, actively alert, actively looking. Not to the extent that we neglect our responsibilities and the work God has given us to accomplish here.  However, neither forgetting that Jesus might come at any moment and catch us unprepared. Don’t be too complacent, forgetting to look for His return! 

1 comment:

  1. Very timely considering the world we are living in today. I pray that we can be watchful and look away from our tech toys and see His return as being imminent. I am praying fervently for Lucy and her work situation and will continue to do so until God opens the right door for her. Blessings on you all today.
