Monday, January 18, 2021

Thirsting For God

 Psalm 63

Most of us can probably remember a time in our life when we were extremely thirsty.  Maybe we were out hiking on a hot day, and ran out of water.  Or perhaps we had been working outside and hadn’t taken a break for awhile.  Being out in a wilderness area without any water can be dangerous.  Water is important.  When we are very thirsty, quenching our thirst becomes fixated in our minds and all we can think of is getting that cool drink of water.  This is something that our psalmist today, King David, knew about.  Let’s take a look at what he wrote.

Spending many years of his life outdoors, David knew what it was like to get thirsty.  As a youth, his father sent him out to watch the family’s sheep herds.  Then as a young adult David spent several years on the run against the jealous rages of King Saul.  Most of that time was spent in the Judean wilderness, which is a very dry and rocky area.  When David became king, he probably thought that his days on the run in the wilderness were over.  Then he had to go on the run again when his son Absalom attempted to take over the throne.  Some people believe that it was during this time that David wrote Psalm 63.

Out in the wilderness with hot days and cold nights.  There aren’t an abundance of rivers or streams, and very few wells to be found.  It is very easy to run low on any water that one brings with.  David knew what it was like to be very thirsty.  He also knew what it was like to be alone, and fearful for one’s life at the hands of enemies.  It was during those times that he developed a thirst of a different kind, a thirst for God, who he knew was the only One who could help him.  Just as cool, crisp water was what was needed for a physical thirst, God’s presence in his life was what was needed for his loneliness and fear.

Now that David was on the run again, he desired God’s presence as much as he desired anything else in his life, including life-sustaining water.  We should be eager to be with the Lord in every situation.  David longed to be with Him just like a wanderer in the desert longs to find water.  David knew through his life experiences that there were few people he could really trust, and he knew there was only One who could satisfy and fill his soul and spirit.  Only God can satisfy our deepest longings.

We need to seek God first, not wait until things get bad.  David didn’t just turn to God when trials came his way.  He sought God every day of his life.  Just like David, we should be seeking God earnestly, and pursuing Him throughout our day, not just at one specified time during the week.  Only God can fill the hunger and thirst of our souls.

In addition to being thirsty while being pursued by his enemies in the wilderness, David also dealt with many sleepless nights.  Sleeping on hard, rocky ground would be difficult in any circumstances, but especially when one is hungry and thirsty, and having to fear for one’s life.  There were generally three watches in the night.  David mentions often being awake during several of the watches, so he knew what it was like to have a restless night.  However, David learned that sleepless nights can be used for times of worship and prayer (vs. 6).

David did not dwell on the negatives in his life.  He was filled with love, thankfulness, and praise to the Lord.  He knew that God’s hand was upon him (vs. 8).   Many times throughout the Bible we read of God’s hand reaching out to help us.  God’s help is like a hand of support in times of trouble.  God offers His comforting hand throughout our life, in good and bad times.  We are never beyond His reach.  Every day let us drink fully from God’s Word and His presence, and trust in His loving care.

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