Monday, February 22, 2021

The Lord Our Rock

 Psalm 18:1-33

Imagine being out in the wilderness, and a powerful storm comes up or an enemy approaches.  Immediately you start looking for some safe shelter.  Staying out in the storm or open to the enemy would be dangerous.  Where do you turn to?  You need something that will protect you from these storms, from a possible earthquake, or from an approaching enemy.  Your shelter needs to be strong and dependable.  When you are in your shelter, you are able to watch the storm or the enemy rage, but you are secure.  You are blessed, because as powerful as they are, your shelter is more powerful, keeping you well protected.  David found just such a shelter, and he wrote about it in our psalm for today.  Let’s take a look.

David spent a good deal of his time out in the wilderness, usually not through his own choice.  He was there trying to escape from his enemies, namely King Saul.  When Saul’s troops were nearby, David needed to find some shelter to hide in.  There were times, too, when he needed to find a shelter from storms.  Where can you find a shelter in the wilderness?  David describes in this psalm and in many others, that he found a safe and secure shelter in the large rocks that were all around in the wilderness and desert areas he would escape to.

A rock can provide protection, shelter, and solid reliability.  Just as David found, we too can find that God is that Rock.  He is faithful, dependable, and strong, a massive, unshakable foundation and source of defense.  God’s protection is limitless.  David found the Lord to be, not only like a rock of safety for him, but also like a fortress, a shield, and an animal’s horn for defense (vs. 2).  A large rock, like we find in some wilderness areas, can’t be moved, and hiding behind or between these rocks provides safety.  God is a Rock of safety for us if we run to Him.  He will not be moved by those who wish to harm us.  Strong fortresses also keep us safe from enemies.  When we get into a fortress, the enemy cannot follow.  When we are safe in Jesus, the enemies of our soul cannot get to us, either.  He is our shield, coming between us and harm.  The horns of certain animals are a symbol of might and power, just as God is for us.  He is our stronghold, high above our enemies.

The Lord was all David needed in his life’s tough battles, and He is for us as well.  In our trouble, we can call out to Him, just as David did, and find a safe shelter and help (vs. 6).  Hiding in the shelter out in the wilderness, David witnessed many storms, and pictured these mighty forces of nature as the way the Lord God comes down from heaven just to rescue His beloved child (vs. 7-15).

Sometimes our trials become so overwhelming that we feel like we are drowning in them.  David felt that way, too (vs. 16).  David knew that God would either deliver him from the problem or be his support as he went through it.  God will help us, hold us steady, and protect us.  When we are in the care of Jesus, we are never helpless.  He will use His power to rescue us (vs. 16-19).

Our friends or loved ones may break their promises to us.  However, the Lord’s promises are true (vs. 30).  We can always rely and put our trust in Him.  God is a shield to protect us when we are too weak to face trials by ourselves.  He knows we are frail and feeble humans, and has promised to come between us and the enemy.  He will strengthen, protect, and guide us.

Don’t fear that the protection and care that God gave to David is only something that happened in Biblical days.  Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  He has majesty, power, and endurance to come to our aid.  We can run to safety in God’s care whenever we need it.  Instead of trying to handle our problems on our own, we should turn to the Lord Jesus.  We can find refuge in His love and care.  We can hide ourselves in the cleft of our Rock, and He will provide shelter for us.  Jesus will keep us safe from the storm.

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