Saturday, March 13, 2021

Heed God's Warnings

 II Chronicles 36:14-23

How many times does someone give another a warning, before the punishment comes?  Sometimes the punishment comes right away.  The first time the person crosses the line, the punishment comes.  Often a person is given a second warning, though.  Parents usually give a child a second warning before they lower the boom.  Sometimes a lenient boss will, too.  Usually by the third violation the punishment comes.  We often use the baseball metaphor “three strikes and you’re out”.  In our Scripture passage for today from the Old Testament book of II Chronicles we read of God warning, and warning, and warning His people again and again, countless times, and yet they didn’t listen.  Let’s see what the Lord can teach us from His Word.

After Yahweh had brought His people out from captivity in Egypt, He gave them His Law.  This was not to make their lives burdensome, but to help them live good and wholesome lives, keeping them from sins that would hurt them.  He warned them not to follow the ways of the pagan nations around them, nor to worship their false gods.  However, as soon as they entered the land which Yahweh gave them, that’s the first thing they did.  The people of Israel and Judah, throughout the Old Testament, repeatedly broke God’s Law.  They worshipped false gods and set up their idols.  They mistreated the poor and were extremely immoral (vs. 14).

Like a parent does with their disobedient child, Yahweh sent warning after warning to His people through His prophets.  Year after year God’s messengers came with His Word, calling out their sins and imploring them to return to God’s ways (vs. 15-16).  However, the people refused to listen or heed the prophet’s warnings.  Instead they mocked them, and did not want to hear God’s Word.  They did not believe a word these preachers said.  They did not believe that God would judge them.  The people felt that since they were God’s people, He would not bring any punishment upon them, and they cast aside any negative message.

One law that God had set was that every seventh year the land was to have a Sabbath rest, where no planting would be done.  (Exodus 23:10-11; Leviticus 25:1-7).  This would renew the soil.  God promised to provide for them during the off year.  The people ignored this law, not trusting that God would care for them, and also wanting all that they could get from the land.  As God warned the people through His prophets, He punished them for all of their transgression, and set their captivity for 70 years (vs. 21).  This way the land could have all the rest it had missed.  The number of years of captivity corresponding to the amount of Sabbath year rests that had been missed would suggest that the Sabbath year of rest had not been observed since the days of the priest Eli, who had raised the prophet Samuel as a child.  He was priest from 1107 - 1067 BC, almost 500 years prior to this date.

God had warned His people what would happen when they disobeyed Him (Leviticus 26:27-45).  They took no notice, and did not care.  Many didn’t even believe God would bring judgment.  God does keep all of His promises, not only His promises of blessing, but also His promises of judgment.  Too many people today do not want to hear anything about any judgment from God, and preachers will generally only preach what they feel are positive, feel-good messages, nothing harsh or judgmental.

When we continue to sin, over and over again, and never repent, God’s judgment will replace His mercy.  Sin, often repeated, but never repented of, invites disaster.  When a society or people despises God’s Word and mocks and scoffs at his messengers, judgment will fall.

The solution is to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance, calling upon Him for forgiveness and salvation.  Then we need to read and study His Word, the Bible, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, obey the Word He has given us.

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