Wednesday, July 28, 2021

One Body Of Believers

 Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16

When there is a group project, whether at work or in leisure, it is important that there is unity between all participants.  If participants are at odds with one another, the project will likely fail, or certainly not be as successful as it could be.  Unity within the group is also important if everything is supposed to run smoothly, each one working together to achieve their goals.  The same goes with the church, as we read in our Scripture from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.  Jesus gave us a mandate to fulfill the Great Commission, to bring the Gospel to the world.  The church was established to fulfill that commission, and to encourage and build up believers in the faith.  However, if we have no unity among ourselves, we will have a difficult time doing that.  Let’s look at what our Scripture says.

As our passage opens, Paul reminds Christians that we need to live in a manner that honors and pleases Jesus (vs. 1).  Believers are called by the Lord to bring His salvation message to others, and in order to do that, we need to live lives worthy of that calling.  People are watching us.  Can they see Jesus in our words and actions?

As Paul continues, he stresses another important thing for believers to have as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission, and that is to have unity among themselves.  All believers in Christ belong to one body.  We are all united under one head, which is Jesus, Himself.  Paul emphasizes that believers are one.  We aren’t multitudes of believers going at it alone, we are one.  Unity should be a characteristic of the church.  But to do that every believer needs to be wholeheartedly obedient to God and to His Word, the Bible.

As we read in verses 4 - 6, we have one body - the body of Christ, the Christian Church.  There is one Spirit - the Holy Spirit.  Believers all have one hope - the same future certainty and the same heavenly destination.  We have one Lord and submit to the same divine ruler, the Lord Jesus.  True believers have one faith, as we have placed the same trust in Jesus for salvation.  There is one baptism - the Holy Spirit’s baptism at the time of our salvation.  And there is one God and Father which all believers have.  God is over all.  He has over-ruling care of all.  He is through all and in all (vs. 6).  He is actively present in the world, and in the lives of all believers.

Paul continues on in our passage, teaching us that though we are one in the Body of Christ, we each have different gifts which He has given us.  These gifts were given to help with the work of the ministry, to build up the church, and to further His mission of bringing the message of Jesus to the world.  Just as in most businesses, different people have different assignments and tasks to do, so it is with the church.  Paul lists a few of them here in verse 11.  The apostles were called by Jesus, had seen Him following the resurrection, and were sent out to bring His message to the world.  Prophets are those who speak God’s message to the people.  Evangelists are those who go out, bringing the salvation message of the Gospel to the lost.  Pastors are the shepherds of a local church, feeding the sheep God’s message.  And teachers are just that, teaching others God’s Word.

These gifts and abilities, along with others that Paul mentions elsewhere in other epistles, are given for the equipping of believers for the work of the ministry (vs. 12).  People’s differing gifts, talents, and abilities can help the church as it brings God’s message to others.  We are all called to do the work of ministry, not just the church leaders.

As Paul closes this passage, he urges us to not be as children in our faith or behavior (vs. 14).  Children are the opposite of mature believers.  Spiritually immature believers, who are not grounded in good Scriptural teaching, are inclined to accept every sort of beguiling doctrinal error and false teaching.  Satan has his own preachers who sneak in and present a way, other than the Cross, which seems to be right.  We need to be anchored in Jesus and His Word.  Otherwise we will be tossed to and fro, drifting in every direction, away from Biblical truth and moral standards. 

As we seek to follow Jesus and tell others about Him, let us show love and unity between ourselves and other true believers, encouraging each other to use their gifts to build up His Church here on earth.

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