Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Sword Of The Word

 Hebrews 4:12-16

Whether you are a cook, a doctor, or a crafter, you want to have a sharp knife among your tools.  The cook wants a sharp knife to quickly chop up the hard vegetables, or cut the meat into nice little cubes.  The doctor needs a very sharp and precise knife or scalpel, especially going into surgery.  We certainly don’t want the surgeon sawing away with a dull knife, trying to perform delicate surgery on the brain, heart, eye or anywhere!  A dull knife can ruin the art project you are working on.  In our Scripture for today, we see that God uses a very sharp knife as He works in the lives of His children.  Let’s look into our passage from the Book of Hebrews.

Many of us have had surgery for one reason or another.  The surgeon has a set of very sharp knives or scalpels for cutting into the skin and down into the body.  Perhaps he needs to remove a cancerous mass.  He needs a sharp, precise knife to make sure he takes out only the cancer, and not damage the good tissue.  The brain surgeon needs a sharp knife to remove the brain tumor or blood clot, and not damage any part of the brain.  In a similar way, God uses His Word, the Bible as a sharp knife or two-edged sword in our life (vs. 12).  As we read its words, the Bible cuts into us like a surgeon’s knife, revealing who we are and what we are not.  It reveals what is in us, both the good and evil.  As we grow as a Christian, God’s Word cuts away the rotten, sinful parts of us, just like a surgeon removes a cancerous mass.  It is sharp and precise, not damaging, but bringing healing.

God’s Word is living, life-changing, and dynamic as it works in us.  It has the power to transform our lives and to keep us steadfastly anchored to God when the storms of life strike.  God’s Word is not old or archaic, it is alive.  It is not inactive, it is powerful.  Satan hates the sword of the Word of God.  Jesus used it as His only weapon when the devil tempted Him in the wilderness, repelling him with words of Scripture.

While the Word of God is comforting and nourishing to those who believe, it is a tool of judgment and execution to those who have not committed themselves to Jesus Christ (vs. 13).  Everyone will be judged by God and His Word.  We are accountable to the living, written Word, and to the living God, who is its Author.  No one is able to hide anything from God, as there are no secrets from Him.

As we continue on in our Scripture, the author of Hebrews tells us about the High Priestly ministry of Jesus.  Just as the Jewish High Priest would pass through the Holy Place, into the Holy of Holies to make sacrifice for the sins of the people, Jesus entered the heavenly Holy of Holies, after accomplishing our redemption (vs. 14).  However, unlike the Jewish High Priests, who could only go before God once a year, Jesus is always at God’s right hand, interceding for us.  He is always available to hear us when we pray.

Jesus knows what it feels like to be tempted in every way, just as we are (vs. 15).  Because of that, He is sympathetic towards us, and knows how to move us on to maturity.  Jesus was sinless.  He was able to be tempted, but He did not sin.  Since Jesus successfully overcame temptation, we should study His strategy for dealing with it.  Jesus used Scripture, and only Scripture to resist Satan’s temptations (Matthew 4:1-11).  He didn’t draw on His wit.  He didn’t rely on His own physical power, and neither should we.  Jesus responded with the truth of God’s Word, as we should.

In closing our passage, we read that God wants us to come with confidence into His presence (vs. 16).  Most ancient rulers were unapproachable by anyone but a few select advisors.  Even today nobody can just walk into the office of the president or the Queen.  However, the Holy Spirit calls for all to come confidently before God’s Throne to receive mercy and grace through Jesus Christ.  Come to God in prayer with reverence, because He is our King.  But also come with boldness because He is our Friend and Counselor.  We need never be afraid to approach the Father in prayer.

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