Monday, October 4, 2021

The Blessed Family

Psalm 128 

Check with many newly married couples, and with couples expecting their first child, and most will tell you that they want a happy, successful, and well-adjusted family.  Most old-time TV shows from the 1950’s and 60’s showed families like that, as this was what people wanted and were hoping for in their own homes.  This was an ideal, though many families fell far short of it.  The only way to have a truly successful and blessed family is to follow God’s Word.  One key to having that family is found in our Scripture passage today, Psalm 128.

Our psalm starts right off by telling us that those who will be blessed by God, shown His favor and grace, are those who fear and obey Him (vs. 1).  Having a fear of God is not being afraid of Him, not fearing that God will zap us with His lightning bolts, or come along and clobber us.  Fearing God is showing Him reverential awe, and a proper holy respect.  There is a great lack of that in society today.  Too many people have a very flippant attitude towards God, His Word, the Bible, and anything that is sacred.  They show no respect to the Lord of the Universe, many referring to Him with the disrespectful term “the man upstairs”. Even among Christians, there are many who have an extremely casual view with God, calling Him their “buddy”, their “pal”.  Yes, God is our Father and our Friend, and that relationship is always there for those who are saved.  However, we should always show Him the proper reverence and respect due Him.  Even the closest friends of the Queen, including her family, show her proper respect.  How much more should we show that to God?!

If we are to have a blessed family, we need to be walking in His ways, and obeying His Word.  This goes for the whole family, for the father, mother, and children.  Too often we see that the burden of spiritual leadership in the family is left to the mother.  The father, even if he is saved, often leaves Bible reading and praying with the children to his wife, along with taking them to Sunday School and church.  Though our psalm is addressed to the whole family, in verses 2-4, God is specifically speaking to the fathers.  The father is to lead the family, like a priest would, in spiritual matters.  That doesn’t mean that the wife/mother is in any way a lesser person or part in spiritual matters.  However, when the father is lax in spiritual matters with his household, the more likely the children will follow his lead, and become so, as well.  God desires the whole household to follow Him, and promises His blessing on the family who does.

When a Christian young man and woman decide to marry, there should be three in their household.  The husband, the wife, and God.  When they bring Jesus into their marriage, when they seek His guidance and follow His Word when rearing their children, He promises to bless.  When God is the head of the family and home, He will reward your devotion to Him with inner peace.

We hear a lot about family values, those beliefs and behaviors that are taught and passed down from parent to child, within their family and household.  As we look around today, we might wonder about what kind of values are being handed down from generation to generation.  As Christians, what are we teaching our children?  What sort of values and beliefs are we passing on to them?  What do they see in us, that they will inevitably start to practice themselves?  A Christian who is following the Lord should teach those values which the Bible highlights - love, service, honesty, integrity, and prayer.  These are vital to a godly home life.

Yes, God promises His blessings upon the family that fears and reverences Him, and that follows His Word.  This is a godly legacy that if we follow Him, we can pass on from generation to generation.  One can never be truly happy until one leads a life that honors the Lord.

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