Saturday, December 11, 2021

Be Glad And Rejoice

 Zephaniah 3:14-20

One of the best feelings anyone can have is that of being forgiven, especially by someone we love, and the broken relationship restored.  Sometimes we may fear that we have gone too far, done too much, perhaps that too much time has passed, and we will never be forgiven.  Then the miracle happens, and the pardon is granted.  In our Scripture today to begin the third week of Advent, the prophet Zephaniah tells of God’s love and forgiveness of His children, and the joy and gladness we can know at that time.

The Book of Zephaniah is one of the minor prophets in the Bible, a short book of prophecy with only three chapters.  The prophet Zephaniah was descended from royalty, being a descendant of King Hezekiah.  He preached God’s message to the people during the earlier years of King Josiah, probably from around 635 - 625 B.C.  This would have been before the great religious reforms of King Josiah.  Zephaniah was also a contemporary during the early years of the ministry of the prophet Jeremiah.

As our passage begins, the prophet Zephaniah tells God’s children that they have great reason to rejoice.  They are to sing and shout.  They are to be glad and rejoice with all of their heart (vs. 14).  What was the reason that they were to be so happy and rejoice?  For centuries, both the northern Kingdom of Israel, and the southern Kingdom of Judah had strayed from the Lord God, worshipping the pagan gods and goddesses of neighboring countries.  Naturally, this angered God, and would bring His judgment upon them.  Knowing this, why should they rejoice?  One would think that they should be told to weep and mourn, which we read at many other places in Scripture.  As Zephaniah tells, the reason the people could and should rejoice was that God would forgive the people.  He would take away their judgment (vs. 15).  This would happen, individually when one accepts the Lord Jesus as Savior, and nationally to Israel when they will finally as a people accept Jesus as Messiah at His Second Coming.

God is the Mighty One.  He will forgive and save all those who come to Him through the Blood of His Son, Jesus.  He is always with us, and He is mighty to forgive and save.  No matter what one may have done in their past, if they came to God, accepting the Lord Jesus as their Savior, they will be assured of full forgiveness.

As Zephaniah continues, he tells the people that the Lord will rejoice over His people (vs. 17).  Wouldn’t you love to have someone rejoice over you?  Young couples relish the love and attention that their spouse gives them.  God’s Word proclaims that He loves His redeemed children immeasurably.  Just as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so God will rejoice over His redeemed children with gladness and songs.

Though we do at times walk in the midst of trouble, God’s right hand will reach out and save us from our enemies.  God is mighty to save us, and He will quiet us with His love.  When a young child seeks their parent’s love and comfort, especially after a time of upset, they will climb into their parent’s lap, and the parent often rocks them back and forth, calming them down with soft words, and even songs and lullabies.  It is the same with God.  He delights in us, and loves us each so much that He sings melodies of love, and rejoices over us because we are His.

One of the names that the Messiah has is Emmanuel, which means “God with us”.  This is a special truth, and one that Zephaniah speaks of in this passage, that God is in our midst (vs. 17).  The gladness that the prophet says God’s children can have results when we allow the Lord to come into our lives and be with us.  We do that by faithfully following Him and obeying His commands.  God’s love for us is stronger than anything that would try and come against us.  He is bigger than any opposition that comes against us.  God will be with His children, rejoicing over us with singing.

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