Friday, December 3, 2021

Warning Signs

 Luke 21:25-33

When the news reports that a natural disaster is on the brink of happening, many people fly into a panic, with great fear overwhelming them.  If scientists warned that a huge meteor was heading towards earth, fear and hysteria might overtake many.  Even warnings of a strong hurricane or large blizzard heading our way can make some become filled with anxiety.  Fortunately right now being hit by a large meteor is rather rare, and though strong earthquakes happen, several countries that are prone to them try to construct their buildings appropriately.  Meteorologists also try to give us ample warning for dangerous storms.  In our Scripture today from the Gospel of Luke we read of a time coming when nature here on earth, in the sky, and in the heavens will be in an uproar, with catastrophic storms and astronomical events such as has never been seen before.  How will people respond then?  Let’s look at our passage for today.

As our Scripture opens, Jesus is teaching His disciples about what will be happening here on earth right prior to His return.  As we read these verses we see that there will be unusual happenings in outer space with the sun, the moon, and stars, along with storms that seemingly turn the oceans into an uproar (vs. 25).  Things that we’ve never seen happening before.  The ominous sights that are seen in the sky, along with the intensity of the storms and happenings on earth, will cause such fear and anxiety in people like never before (vs. 26).

The increase in the number of and strength of storms can be a result of climate change.  However, who ultimately controls all weather here on earth, and controls the courses of the sun, stars, and planets?  Yahweh, the God of heaven and earth, decides when it will rain, where and how strong the winds will blow, when the snow will fall and when it will melt.  He alone controls all events of nature, in spite of anything man does.

Many will ask that if God controls all of this, why does He allow it to happen?  All throughout Scripture we see that when mankind falls away from God, turning their back on Him, scoffing at Him and His Word, then the Lord brings judgment.  How has mankind been in relationship to Jesus since He returned to heaven, especially in the last century?  As Jesus describes here, the judgment of God will fall upon the nations of the world.  This judgment will have no precedent in past history.

Of course there are many who scoff at the idea of such events ever happening, including even some in the Church.   They say that God would never bring such judgment upon mankind, as He is a God of only love.  God is love, but He also hates sin, and will judge sin on the earth.  Jesus’s words here contain a warning.  This final judgment will be a reality.  The same Jesus who walked this earth in peace and meekness the first time He came, is also the ascended Lord who will return as Judge of all.  All who ever lived will either find their redemption in Jesus, or face God’s wrath.

In the midst of all of these catastrophic events happening in the heavens and upon earth, Jesus will return in glory (vs. 27).  The world will not have to ask if it is really Him.  It will be obvious to all.  All who denied Jesus, who turned to other religions, or other philosophies such as humanism, will have no choice but to admit they were wrong, and that He, indeed, is Lord of all.  They will know that God’s Word, the Bible, is true, word for word.  Yet it will be too late for them.  Everything that God has said in the Bible will happen, just as He said it would (vs. 33).

As our Scripture passage closes, Jesus tells us that we can know when His return will be drawing near (vs. 29-31).  I live in a part of the U.S. which has long, cold, and snowy winters.  Often spring doesn’t make an appearance until mid-April.  As one who doesn’t like winter, I eagerly look for signs of the coming spring, like the appearance of leaf buds on the trees.  Likewise, Jesus said that the signs in these and previous verses of the chapter will indicate that His coming is drawing near.

Knowing of these coming persecutions and natural disasters might seem to be a cause of worry or fear.  On the contrary, they should bring us joy, knowing that the return of Jesus is near.  Don’t be terrified by what is happening in the world today or in the future.  Confidently await Christ’s return to bring justice and restoration.

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