Monday, February 28, 2022

A Flourishing Believer

Psalm 92 

When planting a garden, it is important that we follow the guidelines for where certain plants should be planted, in order for them to grow best and to flourish.  Some flowers and plants need a lot of sunlight, so a place in the yard that gets full sunlight is best.  If it is a houseplant, a good south-facing window is best.  Other flowers prefer the shade, or only partly-sunny exposure, so care needs to be taken for them.  Some plants like a lot of water, some only minimal.  Different types of soil need to be considered, along with how early or late in the year the plants should be planted outdoors.  For a successful garden, much care is needed in order for your plants to flourish.  In our psalm for this week, we read about flourishing believers, comparing them with two types of flourishing trees.  We will see where best to find a flourishing believer.

As mentioned, care needs to be given where one plants their garden plants in order for them to flourish.  In like manner, where should a believer be “planted”?  Our psalmist declares that the best place for a believer to be planted is in the house and courts of God (vs. 13).  When our life is in close contact with the Lord we will flourish.  If we find ourselves planted far away from Him, we will find ourselves languishing and wilting.

The amount of sunlight, water, and good soil determines how the plant is fed.  Too much or not enough of any of these will control how well it flourishes.  Our spiritual life is determined by how we spiritually feed ourselves, as well.  In John 7:37-38 we read that the Lord Jesus Christ is living water, the only source of living, spiritual life-giving water.  When ministering to the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus promised those who follow Him living water so that we would never spiritually thirst again (John 4:14).

When we forget to water our plants and gardens, the plants begin to wilt, and will eventually die.  Without the Lord Jesus, we will die spiritually, and after our physical death, be eternally lost.  Giving a plant some other liquid, other than water, can kill them.  We would never pour certain chemicals on a plant.  Even pouring sugary soda pop on a plant is not going to help it.  Likewise getting involved in other pagan religions is like pouring toxic chemicals into our liquid and drinking it.  There are some churches which will not spiritually quench the thirst of our souls, and are like pouring Coke on a plant, instead of partaking of the life-giving, living water of Jesus.

Plants also need light in order to flourish and live.  Stick a plant in a dark closet for a few days, and see what happens to it.  When you bring it out, it will either be dead or very wilted.  Plants need varying degrees of sunlight in order to perform photosynthesis in order to live.  Jesus told us that He is the Light of the World (John 8:12; John 9:5).  Without Him in our life, we are in darkness.  Scripture has often equated darkness with evil and Satan.  Some verses that show this are I John 1:5-7; John 3:19-21; I Thessalonians 5:5; and Ephesians 5:8 to name a few.  When we follow Jesus we have His light to guide us in His truth throughout life.

In our psalm, the writer compares believers to a flourishing palm tree or cedar of Lebanon tree, showing permanence and strength (vs. 12).  This is in contrast with the wicked, who are like grass, here today and gone tomorrow (vs. 7).  Palm trees generally live a fairly long life, and can grow quite tall.  The cedars of Lebanon can often reach at least 130’, and can have trunks over 8’ in diameter.  They are massive and strong.  Both are strong and immovable.  As believers, we should be the same as these trees - upright, strong, and unmoved by the winds of circumstance.  Those who place their faith firmly in God can have this strength and vitality.

A tree or plant that is planted in the Lord, not only will flourish, but it will also be fruitful (vs. 14).  Again, in order for a plant to be fruitful, it needs the proper amount of water and light.  When our lives are planted in the Lord, with living water and the light of Jesus, we will be fruitful.  We can proclaim His truth in all we do, and yield a great harvest.  Let’s be sure that we are well planted in the Lord, partaking of His life-giving water and light so that we will flourish.

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