Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Our Resurrected Body

 I Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50

One does not need to be a botanist, nor even a professional gardener to know some of the basics of gardening.  I am not much of a gardener by any means, but I do know, as most people do, that the seeds of flowers, vegetables, and trees do not look anything at all like the plant that will come forth.  Acorns do not look like the oaks they become.  Nor do poppy seeds resemble poppies, or tomato seeds the tomato plant.   This is knowledge that even a child can understand.  In our Scripture passage today that continues Paul’s teaching on the resurrection, he uses that analogy to teach about a believer’s resurrected body.

For ages people have wondered about what heaven will be like, and what we will look like when we get there.  Will we look like we did when we died, old and wrinkled, or still a child or baby if someone died at that age?  Will we weigh the same as we did in life, or have the scars we got throughout our life?  As the Apostle Paul begins our passage, he immediately teaches us that just as a seed doesn’t look like the plant that will later grow, neither will our glorified body be the same as our body here on earth during our lifetime (vs. 35-38).  Since no one has been to heaven and come back to earth to say for a certain fact what we will look like, Paul could not say what our glorified bodies will look like, just that it will be different.  However, there is some indication in the Bible that we will be able to recognize others.  When Jesus was transfigured in the presence of Peter, James and John, they were able to recognize Moses and Elijah when those two joined Jesus (Matthew 17:2-4).

On a side note, there are some people who believe that when we die we become angels.  Let me say that this idea has absolutely no basis in Scripture at all.  Angels are completely different created beings than humans, and we do not ever become angels, including after death.  People say things like that their deceased mother is now an angel in heaven, or their deceased little child is now an angel.  Their mother may very well be in heaven, but she most definitely did not become an angel.  Humans and angels are two completely different created beings, and one never becomes the other.

As Paul continues on with the second half of our Scripture passage, he teaches us more about the resurrection of our bodies in heaven.  While here on earth our mortal, physical bodies age and wear down.  Then, when we die we are buried, where our bodies will corrupt.  However, our glorified body will never age, break down, or corrupt (vs. 42-44).  Our resurrection bodies will have no more sickness or death (corruption).  There will be no more shame because of sin (dishonor), no more frailty in temptation (weakness), and no more limits to time and space (natural).

Next, Paul speaks of the First Adam and the Second Adam (vs. 45).  The First Adam, naturally, is the Adam we read about in the Book of Genesis.  The Second Adam is the Lord Jesus Christ.  He came to undo what occurred at the Fall, when Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit, and brought sin into the world.  The First Adam had an earthly body, which would age, die, and corrupt, and which we all inherited.  While on earth Jesus had an earthly body just like Adam and each of us.  However, after He rose from the dead, He obtained a heavenly body, one that will not corrupt, and has spiritual abilities (vs. 46-49).  Those who are saved will receive a heavenly body that will never decay, just like Jesus has.  We will bear the image and have the type of body the Second Adam has, fit for heaven, just as now we have the type of body the First Adam had.

As we each get older, many of us have found that our bodies have more and more failings.  If you’re like me, you are looking forward to receiving your heavenly body, one that has no more aches and pains, no more sickness or shortcomings.  This is promised to all those who are believers and followers of the Lord Jesus.  If you haven’t taken Him as your Savior yet, do so today, so that you will not have an eternity of torment and separation from God, but instead a place in heaven with a glorified, resurrection body.

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