Monday, September 19, 2022

Someone We Can Trust

Psalm 138

Trust.  It is an important word, and it is even more important that we have someone that we can trust.  For some, trust is difficult.  And it is always important that we put our trust in someone who is worthy of that confidence.  Our psalm for this morning is one showing just Who we can put our trust in, Someone Who protects us in trouble, Who guides us all through our life, and Who is worthy of all of our praise.

As our psalm begins, we see Who we can place our trust in, Someone who King David knew from many years of hardship and also of joy that he could unequivocally trust in.  Yahweh God is the highest in the whole earth.  He is above all the rulers past and present, of all the nations on earth, and above every military leader that has ever been, as well.  And most assuredly, Yahweh is certainly above all the pagan gods and deities that are faithlessly worshiped around the world (vs. 1).  King David was never afraid nor ashamed to proclaim his allegiance to Yahweh, and nor do we need to hesitate to proclaim our allegiance to the Lord Jesus to the world.

We are called upon to praise the Name of the Lord God (vs. 2).    God’s Name means His reputation and Character for faithfulness and goodness.  As we continue that verse, we are told of something that God has magnified, or blessed, venerated and praised even above His Name, and that is His Word, the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.  God’s Word is His promise.  He magnifies His Word above even His Name, which is holy and not to be taken in vain.  How much more are we to sanctify the Bible, and not to treat it lightly!

As our psalm continues we see that as believers and thus children of God the Father, we should never take God’s provisions and answered prayers for granted.  We need to thank Him for all material and spiritual blessings, along with thanking Him for each answered prayer.

We learn whether or not to trust someone by listening to what they say, and also observing what they do.  David proclaims that people, particularly the kings and rulers of the world, will praise the Lord when they hear what He says in His Word (vs. 4),  When they see what He has done, His ways, they will sing of His glory (vs. 5).  By observing and hearing these things, how great and praiseworthy they are, we know that Yahweh is Someone we can trust.  We know that even though He is an almighty God, the Creator and King of the universe, He cares for mankind, even the very lowest of us (vs. 6).  That shows His deep and personal love for each and every one of us, and another real reason we can trust Him.

We walk in the midst of trouble throughout all of our life.  Our troubles are real (vs. 7).  They may be illness, family problems, loss of job or home, financial problems, etc.  We may have literal enemies attacking us.  Who can we trust to come to our aid?  We may call upon any number of people or organizations, but will they really help us?  Can we depend upon them?  Instead of collapsing in fear, King David gave praise to God.  Throughout a lifetime of problems, David knew that the Lord God could be trusted and depended upon.  He knew that God would preserve his life, reaching out His hand to deliver him.  No matter what our circumstances are, no matter how insurmountable the odds, God promises to save us in the middle of our troubles.

As our psalm closes, we read that God will fulfill all of His purposes for our life (vs. 8).  We can trust Him with our future.  God has a plan for our life.  He alone knows what is best for us, and He alone can fulfill His purpose for us.  David knew this, and centuries later the Apostle Paul knew this, as well, when he instructed young Timothy for the ministry.  When we commit our life into His hands, He will keep us, and perform His good purpose for us (II Timothy 1:12).  The Lord Jesus promises never to leave us throughout our life (Matthew 28:20), and whatever His plans are for us, we can surely trust Him that He will fulfill or perfect that purpose.  Jesus is truly Someone we can trust.

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