Monday, September 5, 2022

The Choices We Make

Psalm 1

I remember years ago, when my son was just a little boy, we would occasionally take a walk in the woods.  The path would split into two, and we had a decision to make.  Should we go this way today, or that way?  Both ways were fine, so the choice really didn’t matter.  However, that is not always the case.  Quite often the choice makes a big difference!  In our psalm for this week, the psalmist describes two different paths, paths that we have the choice of walking throughout our lives.  The choice of which one we will walk down is very important, the most important decision we will ever make, one with eternal consequences.

As our psalm opens, we read of two people, the godly person and the ungodly one.  Each person takes a different path through life.  One takes God’s way of obedience.  The other chooses the path of rebellion.  One leads to blessings, and ultimately to heaven, while the other leads to destruction.

The choice of which way we walk through life, not only has eternal results, but also will affect our life here on earth.  As is described throughout this psalm, the godly person who has chosen to follow Jesus is blessed many times over.  They have uncompromised purity, they are guided by God’s Word, the Bible.  They stand strong as a tree with sturdy roots.  They are able to stand before God through Jesus’ righteousness which they have taken.  They are the special objects of God’s care, with a destiny secure, safe, and prosperous.

In contrast, we are shown the effects of following the path the ungodly person has chosen.  They do not have God’s blessings in their life.  They have no guide, and unlike a sturdy tree, they are like chaff which is blown away in the wind.  They cannot stand before God with their sins, as they have rejected Jesus.  They have no right to stand among the righteous, and they will ultimately perish.

One important decision that the godly person makes, one which greatly affects the path they go on, is that they do not listen to ungodly advice or the false philosophies so popular in the world (vs. 1).  They refuse to be influenced by the advice of those who do not serve God.  They know that unwise, ungodly counsel can lead to unseen dangers and costly consequences.  Our holiness and walk with God is greatly affected by the company we keep.  We should ask ourselves - do our friends build up our faith, or do they tear it down?  True friends should help, not hinder us to draw closer to God.

We need to maintain a pure walk, free from flirtation with sin and evil.  Don’t ever compromise with sin, allowing evil to wrap its tentacles around us, squeezing the rewards of obedience out of us.  The godly person avoids evil influences, deeds, and attitudes.  As verse two states, they delight in God’s Word, spending time studying and meditating on it.  (I Timothy 4:15).

Our psalmist compares the godly person with a thriving and fruitful tree (vs. 3).  When we abide in Jesus, we can’t help but bear fruit in our life.  Following God’s Word and guidance leads to stability and fruitfulness.  The more we delight in God’s presence, the more fruitful we are.  When we apply God’s wisdom, the fruit we bear will be good, and receive God’s approval, producing actions and attitudes that honor God.  Dry times may come when we do not feel God real close.  But our faith will remain strengthened when we are deeply rooted in Scripture and prayer.

What kind of fruit are we producing?  Is our life full of praise for God and faithful devotion to God’s Word?  Or are we filled with fear, anger, and other sins?  Plant yourself in Jesus so you can produce good fruit for His Kingdom.

In closing, let’s consider that “Follow the Leader” is not just a children’s game.  Adults play it, too.  Who are we choosing to follow the way of?  Are we following the godly, or the ungodly, the sinners, and the scoffers?  Our decision will make all the difference in our walk through life, and also in our eternal destiny.

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