Monday, September 26, 2022

The Only One To Trust

Psalm 146

Here in the U.S., we are holding elections this fall for congressional offices, with many states also holding elections for governors and various other state offices. Where I live in Illinois, very near to Chicago, we are having elections for our governor and several other political races.  The advertisements on TV tell us to trust this candidate, and not the other one.  Political fliers tell us to trust in this person or that political party, and not the other.  It’s probably the same where you live.  Who can you trust, especially when the economy is doing so poorly, crime is on the rise, criminals being let out of jail as political maneuvers, and so many issues getting people worked up to the point of rioting?  Can you really trust any candidate?  Every time there is an election for president, governor, or for any political position, we ask ourselves that question.  God gives us an answer in our psalm for today.  Let’s take a look.

After an introduction of singing praise to the Lord, which the last several psalms in the Bible focus on, the psalmist then gives us a warning to not put our trust in princes (vs. 3).  Princes and kings were the political rulers of the day.  The king held absolute power, and the princes were his advisors, and helped in the administration of the country.  The people would look to them for help in times of trouble, and depended on them to muster an army in times of war.  However, like any political leader, some were good and godly men, and many were not.  The Southern Kingdom of Judah had several good kings, and several bad ones, but the Northern Kingdom of Israel had only bad, ungodly kings.

Even a good political leader, though, has their failings and is not without fault, as they are human.  Will their decisions always be perfect for everyone?  Can they always protect against a bad economy?  Will their decisions continually keep crime down, keep everyone in a good job, and with good healthcare?  And will they always be able to protect the country in times of war?  These were questions then, and they are the same today.   Who then can we trust in?   We are in desperate times.  People are oppressed.  Their wallets and bank accounts are empty.  They or their children are sick, and can’t pay for medical care.  There is little or no justice in the courts.  And we see that our political leaders cannot be trusted to help.

The psalmist gives us the answer, and that is for us to not put our ultimate trust in princes or in any person, for we can’t find help with any of them.  Man is an inadequate savior, and a false hope.  Even good national leaders cannot truly help.  The psalmist tells us to put our trust in Yahweh, the God of Jacob (vs. 5).  God is the hope and help of the needy.  Our allegiance should not be to things of this world.  As believers, we are a people whose hope is in the Lord.  Unlike a human leader who lives and then dies, God is eternal.  He is all powerful, the King of Kings, and Creator of all (vs. 6).  Unlike any human leader, He alone can give true justice for those who are oppressed, and we can trust Him to provide for our needs, such as for food, and our health (vs. 7-9).  Help from man is temporal and unstable, but help from God is lasting and complete.

For this the Psalmist urges us to bring praises to the Lord.  Praising God helps to center us, and reminds us of where our true help lies.  Praising God should inspire us, also, to acts of compassion as we follow and imitate our Lord Jesus, who gave justice, who fed the hungry, and who helped the orphans and widows.  If He cares for the vulnerable in the world, so should we.

God’s plans frustrate the ways of the wicked and evil people of this world because His values are opposite that of society today (vs. 9).  Jesus turned the people of His day’s values upside down when he said the first will be last and the last first (Matthew 19:30).  Also when He said that those who try to save their life will lose it, but those who lose their life for the Lord will save it (Matthew 16:25).  Those who follow the Lord and His ways, whether it is us or even a political leader, will find opposition from the world.  Let us be sure that we place our trust in Him for our needs and ultimate protection, and not in the hands of any human.

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