Monday, December 5, 2022

How Long, O Lord?

Psalm 74

When there seems to be a lot of devastating world events, when society seems to be heading in the wrong direction, and sin is rampant, believers often ask where God is.  They look at the world, and everything that is happening, and how society is steadily getting worse.  They cry out to God, feeling like they have been abandoned in a world that rejects everything that is good, righteous, and godly.  Are you feeling a bit like that today?  Do you wonder where God is in this sinful and godless world today?  That is what Asaph, the author of our psalm today, wondered, too.  Let’s take a look.

The historical context of Psalm 74 was either the destruction of the Temple when Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judah, destroyed Jerusalem, and led the people captive, or several centuries later when Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who ruled the Greek empire from 175-164 BC, defiled the Second Temple.  During Antiochus’s reign he instituted a number of laws against the Jewish people, along with setting up pagan idols in the Temple, and made sacrifices of swine on God’s altar, which was sacrilege.  Either event was devastating to God’s people, and those who had remained faithful to Him were questioning where He was in all of this.

As we read through our psalm, we see the cries that Asaph made.  With what was happening in their world and society, it seemed like God had turned His back on His people (vs. 1).  God’s enemies had dared to enter into the Temple, into the very Holy of Holies, and defiled it.  They even set up their pagan idols and signs in the Temple (vs. 3-9), and destroyed everything that was holy and sacred to Yahweh.  And in addition to that, there didn’t seem to be anyone to speak out against this, speaking up with God’s Word (vs. 9).

There is no longer a Temple in Jerusalem.  Believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, do not have just one centralized place of worship on earth, as there are believers all throughout the world, with their churches.  We are free to worship God in our hearts anywhere we are.  However, we can and do feel the same distress when we see godless society tearing down God’s truths and standards that we hold up.

In some parts of the world, Christian churches or even the gathering of Christians together to worship are not allowed.  In some places the messages that the pastor or priest preach are censored so that they cannot freely preach from God’s Word, but are only allowed to give a message that is officially approved by the government or by what the society dictates.  This is happening more and more, where godless society’s standards are deciding what is acceptable, even when it contradicts God’s Word.

In verse 8 we read of what the response is of those who hate God.  This is the case, both back when this psalm was written, and also today.  The wicked try to wipe out every trace of Yahweh, not just in the Temple or other houses of worship, but also throughout society as a whole.  They try to rid society of any mention or sign of God.  That has happened in schools, in the workplace, and in any public gathering.  As Christmas is approaching, we are reminded of how the world doesn’t even want any mention of Jesus and the real meaning of Christmas in public.  No Nativity scenes or any religious carols sung in public or on the secular radio.  Stores or public institutions are told to not even say “Merry Christmas”, but instead to say “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings”.   Just like the godless heathen of the past, people are trying to wipe God away from society.

Believers cry out, just like the psalmist did, wondering if God sees all this, or if He has forgotten them.  We know that the answer is no, He has not forgotten us, and He does see and take account of what is going on.  God is biding His time.  He is holding off judgment so that everyone may still have the opportunity to turn to Him for salvation (II Peter 3:9).  Of course, many will not.  They will prefer to remain in their sins, and their judgment will come.  Believers need to remain true and faithful to the Lord, and continue in prayer, prayer that they will stay steadfast and true to Him, and prayer that the unbelievers will repent of their ways and turn to Jesus.

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