Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Bow The Knee

Philippians 2:9-11

Sometimes we run into people who stubbornly refuse to do something that they should do, ought to do, and something that they will need to do later down the road.  Maybe it is something medical, or related to their job, or something to do with their house or belongings, and they’ve been warned about it, but they stubbornly, maybe even angrily, refused to listen.  We know, though, that they should listen, and the longer they refuse, the worse it will be when they have to eventually do what they don’t want to.  In our Scripture today, we read about something that everyone will have to do one day, and how it is better to do it willingly now, rather than being forced to later.  Let’s see what this is. 

As Scripture clearly states, the Lord Jesus Christ is divine, and has always existed as part of the Trinity for all eternity.  In order to redeem mankind from their sins, Jesus humbled Himself, left His throne in heaven, and became man and died a cruel death on the cross for our redemption (Philippians 2:5-8).  Because Jesus obeyed the Father by this, He was exalted.  When He returned to heaven, Jesus was given a seat at God’s right hand.  We also read here in our Scripture that Jesus was given a Name that is above every name on earth, a Name that one day, all creation will bow to.

Before His birth, an angel told His step-father Joseph that He was to be named “Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).  The Name “Jesus” means “Yahweh is salvation”, and shows His humanity and mission.  That was the purpose that Jesus came down to earth, to bring salvation to all who accept Him.

The Name “Christ” comes from the Greek word “Christos”.  In Hebrew the word is “Messiah”.   Christos or Messiah means “the Anointed One”.  Jesus fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophecies that spoke about the Messiah’s first coming.   The remaining prophecies will be fulfilled when Jesus returns to earth again.

The word “Lord” is a term we use for someone who has power or authority over others.  In times past the term was often used for powerful noblemen, such as barons, dukes, and especially princes or kings.  They are the master and ruler.  When we use that title for Jesus, when we call Him Lord Jesus, it is showing that we acknowledge His power and authority over us and our lives.  Jesus is the only Sovereign, the King of kings, and Lord of lords (I Timothy 6:15).

In light of this, we must acknowledge that God is the One who gives the orders.  He is the Lord, we are the disciples.  He is Master, we are His servants.  We are called to do what He says, not what we think is right.  Some false teachers today preach that Christians have the right to go up to God and expect, even demand, what we want.  We do not have that right.  God is the Potter, we are the clay (Isaiah 64:8).  We are the ones to acknowledge that He is Lord, and we are His servants to obey, not the other way around.

As we all know, there are millions today who do not acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah, the Savior, or Lord.  Some are just indifferent to Jesus, finding no need for Him in their life.  Then there are millions more who have a bitter and hostile hatred for Jesus.  They heap scorn and ridicule upon Him and His Name.  They may think that they are getting away with this, but they aren’t.  There is coming a day when they will acknowledge Jesus for Who He really is, the Son of God.  There is a time coming when everyone will acknowledge that only Jesus is truly worthy of praise, including those who have spent their lives opposing Him, and then they will bow the knee to Him.

The entire universe is called to worship Jesus Christ as Lord.  “Confess” means to agree, acknowledge, and to affirm.  This includes angels, demons, all of creation, and both the saved and lost of the living and the dead.  They will all acknowledge Jesus as Lord, either willingly and blessedly, or unwillingly and painfully.  At the Last Judgment, even the unsaved, those who are condemned to hell, will recognize Jesus’ authority and right to rule.  People can choose to regard Jesus as Lord and Savior in willing and loving commitment, or be forced to acknowledge Him when He returns.

What about you?  Have you confessed Jesus as your Lord and Savior?  You can do it willingly now, and become a child of God, joint heir with Jesus, and be welcomed into eternity with Him when you die, or be forced to bow the knee at the Last Judgment, and then be damned for eternity.  Make the wise choice today!

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