Saturday, January 21, 2023

Heed The Warning!

Amos 3:1-8

The elderly man, Harry R. Truman, (not the former President or any relation to him), had been warned numerous times in the spring of 1980 to leave his home at the base of a mountain, as it was in danger of a volcanic explosion.  Harry refused to listen, or even believe that there would be a volcano.  Shortly after 8:30 am on the morning of May 18, 1980, the volcano in Mt. St. Helens erupted, and Harry Truman was instantly killed.  He refused to listen or believe the warnings, and he paid for it with his life.  Often people are given warnings about this or that, and they refuse to heed those warnings, or make changes to avoid potential danger or harm.  In our Scripture from the prophet Amos, we read how God gives us warnings.  How do we respond to those warnings?

Scattered throughout the Bible, God has given mankind warnings about heeding and obeying His Word.  Disobedience to God brings punishment.  As our Scripture for today opens, we see that God’s children are not exempt from punishment for disobedience (vs. 2).  A relationship with God is a great privilege, but also a great responsibility.  When God puts His Name on us, it is so we can represent Him in the world, so that people will seek Him and accept His salvation.

The prophet Amos gave a brief list of things that are fairly certain in nature (vs. 3-6).  Two people being together as close companions are likely to be in agreement on most things, and share the same opinions (vs. 3).  Lions roar out when they have caught their prey (vs. 4).  Birds, or any other animal, will not get caught if a trap has not been set for it (vs. 5).  And people get concerned, even worried, if warning sirens go off (vs. 6).  Some things are certain in nature.  Nothing happens that is outside of God’s sovereignty.  Certain actions have certain results.  When Yahweh speaks a word, His prophets will give the message (vs. 7).  He will not do anything, particularly judgment upon mankind, except He gives a warning through His messengers, the prophets, which we find today written in the Bible.

All throughout Scriptures, God gave mankind warning ahead of judgment that was coming.  For countless years before the flood, God gave warnings to the people through Noah, who preached to them to amend their ways.  Just like Harry did not heed the warnings about Mt. St. Helens, they did not heed Noah’s warnings, and they were destroyed in the flood like he was in the volcano.  God warned through Abraham of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  He warned the nations of Israel and Judah of coming judgment through Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and countless other prophets.  However, few listened and repented of their sins, so judgment came.  Two events can be linked together.  Once one event takes place, the second will surely follow.  When God warned Abraham of Sodom and Gomorrah, when He spoke His words to the prophets, it was a sure sign that judgment would follow.

How about us today?  We have God’s Word readily available to us today.  We have the Bible easily available as the book on our shelf or table at home or in church.  We have it available online and even on our phones.  Godly preachers give the Lord’s message in their sermons, which are not too difficult to find online, either.  Today we have no excuse to not hear God’s message and His warnings to us.  Because we have been warned about our sin, we have no excuse when punishment comes.  We can never say that we didn’t know!

God will judge evil.  However, He always forewarns those whom He is about to judge.  We have those warnings in the Bible.  These are evil days, and getting worse with the passing of time.  There are preachers and teachers of the Bible who are bringing God’s message to others, just like Noah did, and just like Isaiah and Jeremiah.  Are people heeding their warnings?  Or are they stubbornly refusing to listen, thinking they know better and believing it is all a lie, just like elderly Mr. Truman did at the foot of Mt. St. Helens?  Don’t be like him!  Believe God’s Word and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, before it’s too late!

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